Blog Archive

Friday, July 12, 2013

Neighbours from Switzerland

July 12th today and it would have been my Mom and Dad's 65th Weddding Anniversary. My Dad died in 1987, a long time ago and he was only 70 years old.  I miss you Dad and I know you left us too soon and that you did not want to go.  I am glad that the boys got to spend time with their Papa and that they remembered you always.  I guess you and Brett had a nice reunion and are always together.  Whenever we have a little problem with putting something together or we are looking for a tool I think of my Dad.  Every time I think something has to be done RIGHT NOW I think of Dad.  He just got up and fixed, or did something or just made everything right again and I miss that so much that it still hurts.  Dad, you apparently instilled that characteristic in me, or maybe it is in the genes!  I have a one track mind and things have to be done when things have to be done or I don't feel right.  I know you get it Dad and if you were here and I mentioned that you would have said, "Well sure." 

Anyway, I guess that has nothing to do with our  neighbours from Switzerland except to say that I asked them for help and I struck up a conversation with them which is what my Dad would have done!

We pulled into our site yesterday - after we found it and after I did not read the site map properly - .  Whatever.  Anyway, it is a pull through so that makes both of us happy.  Cable t.v., water, sewer and power hook ups, swimming pool, free WiFi  but only available if you sit near the office, which is not very convenient but better than nothing.  I am sitting in a gazebo right now by the office at a picnic table and there is an electrical outlet right beside me.  I took my small laptop, my cell phone and my IPad and of course my go mug with coffee.  Prior to that I was up at 2:30 a.m. and 7:30 a.m. since Sarge was whining that he wanted out.  Poor little guy is on the limp.  While we were setting up yesterday Bernie accidentally stepped on his paw.  We are sure he will be fine.  He gets a little car sick as well which doesn't help the situation! 

So on to the people from Switzerland.  We pull into our site #38 and start the setting up process.  I am pretty much useless but I can at least connect the water hose.  So I get the hose out and first look at the water connection which I presumed would be near the electrical post, which it was.  It looked like a small water pump but it had a hook up.  I asked Bernie what he thought and he turned the handle up and no water came out so we looked for another connection.  There was a post with two water taps on it so I connected the hose to the one pointing towards our site but no water was coming out of it when I turned it on.  We tried various things, but no water.  Bernie pulled up an down on the handle of the pump like one by our electrical hook up, looked for switches, instructions, anything to help but could not find a thing that was helpful.

I noticed that the people camping two sites down in a small motor home were all hooked up to their water, etc. and they were sitting outside.  I wandered over and said hello! and the discovered that they were not from this country but did speak and understand English.  I asked to see their water hook up and by gesturing and body language and speaking (and I have to admit I always talk louder when I speak to people whose first language is not English, guilty as charged, I know it doesn't help any) , they understood what I wanted and showed me their hook ups outside.  They had a regular tap tat was situated exactly where our funny looking pump like thing was situated.  So the man started to explain how to hook everything up, which was fine, it was nice of him.  I said thank you and went back to our site to discover that Bernie had cranked the pump handle one more time and water started to trickle out and then it came out normally which is what we wanted to see.  At the same time our neighbours came over to see how we were making out and the gentleman helped Bernie to get the end of the hose hooked up, actually turned it for him which helped tremendously.

They hung around and we had a conversation.  I found out that they were from Bern, Switzerland on a holiday that started at the airport in Vancouver.  Then they got the motor home and made their way east.  They were headed to see his friend in Rimbey who he worked with at a farm with cows 20 years ago  I am thinking he was here on an exchange with something like IAEA. They have two daughters, one 12 and the other 10.  He is a carpenter and his wife is a nurse.  Well when I heard the word "nurse" I went into recruitment mode and asked if they were planning on moving to Canada.  They just laughed but that may have been because they were not on the same page as me.  We met their girls and they hung around a little longer while Bernie finished setting up and then they went back to their site.  It was great talking to the and I did ask if they knew any doctors that might be interested in coming to Canada because we had a shortage and we would certainly be interested.  Well, why not?  Can't hurt anything and I am all about marketing and promotion at all times!

So we had water, the power was on, the cable worked fine for the upcoming Rider game at 4:30 or 5:00 o'clock or whatever time it was - depending what you looked at.  Bernie was exhausted an feeling bad about tripping over Sarge's paw.  So he set the chairs up, made himself a nice cold drink, relaxed in his gravity chair with Sarge on his lap and Duke sitting beside him and just dozed.  It must have been about three thirty or thereabouts, so lots of time to rest before the game.  Honestly a person just loses track of the time and even what day it is.  (That reminds me, Friday has passed and I haven't checked my lotto Max number) 

While Bernie dozed I defrosted a package of bacon since he said he would like to have bacon and eggs for supper.  Or as he put it, "let's have tomorrow's breakfast tonight".  I puttered around but I still had our neighbours from Switzerland on my mind and the fact that she is a nurse and must know a lot of doctors since she worked in a hospital, and in Bern to boot.  I mean it is a city, must have some doctors there who are wanting an adventure and would like to live and practice medicine in rural Alberta! 

While I puttered I looked through everything I could to find my Town of Coronation business cards, pens, pins, ANYTHING.  Wow!  I found three pins, more than enough business cards, Town of Coronation pens (I am the Queen of Pens - that's why my purse is so heavy!) and some other pens as well.  I kind of cleaned them up because they were in thee bottom of my purse and in the camera bag and in Bernie's "purse" (his IPad case).  I also found some of Bernie's business cards, so I was ecstatic!  I wrote my name, contact phone numbers, the Coronation Medical Clinic's recruit website address, crownnews website, even my blog website on the backs of several cards.  I wrote a little note saying how nice it was to meet them and wishing them a safe journey and of course signed our names.  Then I waited until I saw them outside again and away I went to deliver my "presents" to our neighbours from Switzerland.  I think the man understood and spoke English the best and as I was talking away and giving him these little things he took what I gave to him and was very overwhelmed.  Okay so I talked loud again and probably too fast.  I just basically said I wanted them to have something from where we lived and that they could just look at the cards and check out the websites later. Oh well.  When I was done, he said, "Thank you."  In disbelief maybe that someone would just come over and give them things, but like I said, very overwhelmed.  I said, "You're welcome.  It was so nice to meet you.  Have a safe trip!"  I wish I could have heard and understood the conversation that ensued!  I just hope they didn't think that they had to give us something in return.  You never know.  We did not see them again and they pulled out of their site and were on their way some time this morning.  Farewell to our neighbours from Switzerland and when you get home I hope you remember where you put those business cards so you can look us up.  When you do I hope you go to my blog and read this!  I also hope that you show the recruiting website address to all the doctors you know.  You just never know!

Travelling Day

Today was a travelling day. Now we are in Revelstoke at a KOA. I of course cannot do any driving and Bernie's back was bothering him the whole trip. I told him before that he should buy one of those cushions for a car seat that have lumbar support.  This hasn't happened yet. He put a pillow behind his back for this trip. Cheaper than the alternative I suppose.

We had such a nice time yesterday in downtown Penticton and I am glad we did. Today was a total bust for me with my back causing my leg to hurt like the dickens. Really bad now but I just took my drugs so hopefully they will kick in soon.

We packed up the outside things last night so there wouldn't be that much to do in the morning.  I helped as much as I could. We folded up the outside mat together.  It reminded me of when we were first married and we had to go to a laundromat. We would fold the sheets together. So romantic spending quality time  at the local laundromat. I mentioned that  to Bernie and he said, "yeah and forty years later you still can't get it right!"  He thinks his method is the best, no arguing with him, why bother.  Yes forty years, I was kind of surprised he got it right since he usually says 30 or 35.  Maybe it was because I reminded him the other day.

So now I am using the touch  screen on my IPad to write this. We do not have WiFi available in the campground, just by the office.  If it is a nice day tomorrow I will take my laptop there and finish this up.

We watched the Rider game after we got settled here.  "Green is the colour, football is the game, We're here together and winning is our aim!  So cheer us on through the wind and rain, Saskatchewan Roughriders is our name!"

Tomorrow I will talk about our neighbours from Switzerland .

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just catching up before we move on

Today, July 10th - wow, I forgot if it was Wednesday, or Thursday or what day!

Yesterday was a do nothing day.  I was suffering a bit more than I usually do and the pain kept me in my chair outside for most of the day.  Man I wish it would just go away.  Honestly, I take drugs but I think I need to pray more or something because it was just brutal.  Today I was a lot better and we did a lot more!

It was also very, very hot yesterday and today so that was a good excuse to do nothing, at least nothing too strenuous.

The dogs woke me up yesterday very early in the morning and I stumbled around and found their leashes and took them outside.  It was so nice that I decided to stay up anyway.  I have my little "office" outside.
Now who could ask for anything more!  By the way that is a can of lemonade in that little Canadian beer cooler holder thing.  Thanks to a good friend for giving that holder to me.  This picture was taken in the morning and honestly I know it is five o'clock somewhere but not for me!!
Yes I love technology and I love my IPad and my computer and my IPhone5 and my Kobo e-reader.  I believe we should keep up with the times and by golly I do.  We have cable t.v., WiFi, everything.  This campsite is awesome.  Park Royal RV Resort - mark that one down.  It is close to the river channel if you want to go floating down the channel on a raft or tube or whatever.  It is also close to a Tim Hortons, A&W, a Bakery, Husky Gas ($1.35 a litre, cheaper than Golden, B.C.), but a bit far if you want to walk to the beach.  There is not a swimming pool in this park, but oh well you can't have everything.
At 7:00 p.m. every day there is a guy who drives a little tractor/front end loader around pulling a trailer behind.  It is great fun for all the kids and some of their parents!

Every evening they have some fun!
Last evening it was very hot and they gave the kids water guns.  They had a grand old time spraying water on everybody!  I stood out there and let them get me soaking wet!!  They really thought they were getting away with something! 

Today we left the dogs in the air conditioned trailer and we drove downtown to Main Street to do a bit of shopping and browsing through the stores.  We parked at one end and just decided to walk up one side and down the other.  My back and leg felt pretty good so I said I was sure I could manage.  So away we went.  It was burning hot as well but who cares, that's what we came for!  We had a good time poking around the stores and looking for a few souvenirs to take home.  Our first stop was actually at the Visitor Info Centre.
In the Okanagan it is all about the wine!  We did taste some at the Visitor Centre, but we did not buy any.  We have never visited a winery either, but I guess we will do that another time.  So anyway, Main Street was interesting with a lot of shops and a lot of restaurants and places to sit outside.  We poked around, shopped a bit, bought a few things and then made our way back to the truck.  Our last stop was a bookstore and we were about two blocks away when I discovered that my sunglasses were not perched on top of my head, nor were they in any bags that we were carrying.  Oh great, I mean they were only expensive ones that I bought because they fit perfectly over my glasses.  So we decided to walk to the truck and then make our way back to the book store.  We did, and I went in there and the clerk had them at the counter.  I know she remembered me because when I bought a paper there (we don't buy books we just take names and write them down so we can get them on e-books) I put my change in a donation box.  By doing so I got a chance to enter in a draw for a basket full of books.  So I filled out the proper form with my name and address and phone number.  I told her if I won I would just instruct them to pick another name and that person could get the prize!  With my luck I will probably win!  I also bought a Lotto Max today because I was feeling very lucky for some reason.  Well then I discovered that it was Wednesday and the draw was Friday....not that it makes a difference, but I honestly thought it was Friday.  That is what holidays do to a person.....especially if that person is Bonnie!

We got back to the RV park and our key worked very nicely in the trailer door so there was no drama involving crawling underneath to get in.  The dogs were once again ecstatic to see us.  Bernie watched a Blue Jays game on t.v. and I announced that we were having hot dogs for supper and that they would be cooked in the microwave because .....well because that's the way it was going to be.  So we had microwaved wieners, beans, and fruit salad out of a can and it was just fine.  Then I decided it was cocktail hour and I moved my computer outside to my "office" and proceeded to catch up on any e-mails and/or messages that needed attending to.

I don't believe that just because I am on holiday that I should ignore my duties as a Town Councillor.  I know that it is not my "day job" so to speak, but I should check my e-mails now and then and attend to some of the things that need attending to.  So I have done that since we started our holiday.

More on being a Town Councillor in another blog.

The hour is late, almost midnight Pacific Time so I shall end this blog.  My I have fun doing this and I hope whoever reads this is entertained and wants to read more!
Tomorrow we leave this lovely place.  We are going to Revelstoke for a couple of days to a KOA nearby.  Bernie wants to visit a train museum there.  There is also a Rider game on in the late afternoon and we cannot miss would be a sin if we did!  There is cable t.v. there and WiFi if you are near the campground office.  So I guess if I want to set up my office I will have to get near the campground office.  Whatever.  We'll see what happens.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Another go getter and get 'er done

Here is another Coronation resident who saw a need and managed to get a lot, and I mean a LOT of response.  I think at last count there were 34 dresses and various accessories collected to send off to Beautiful Calgary Brides and they then will distribute them to the graduates in High River in order for them to have the celebration that they so richly deserve.
Rowena has lived all her life in Coronation.  She has a lovely daughter, a hard working son-in-law and three grandchildren.  She is proud of all of them and if you want to read about it just become her friend on Facebook and you will be treated to some of the best posts ever!!
Below is what Rowena started to help out the grads in High River who lost everything to the terrible flood.
Read on.  If you want to see everything in its entirety you can go on Coronation and Area Buy and Sell and just search for Rowena Swahn to find it.  There are so many responses; it is just phenomenal!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart Rowena.  You epitomize the character of Coronation and I for one am very proud of you and of everyone who responded.
Now I will let you read!
High River grad has been postponed,most of the grads have lost their dresses,suits,tuxes,ties shoes,etc.If you would like to donate your clothing to this pls let me know:I will get the goods to Calgary Beautiful Brides who is organizing the benefit.
Rowena Swahn To all you generous ppl that donated dresses & accessories,pls visit Beautiful Calgary Brides on fb,they have thanked all of us!

Hometown Heroes

The following facebook post was put on our Coronation and Area Buy and Sale today.  As I was scanning facebook I came upon it and commented as well that this was a kind and practical action and response to the devastation in High River, Alberta.  Nonni lives in Coronation but she did come from Calgary.  I won't go into much because I would probably get it wrong and if she wants to comment later and explain her connection to Calgary and High River she sure can do that!  Right Nonni??  Another thing about Nonni is that she is a wonderful and caring person.  When we were planning our Coronation Centennial Celebrations for 2011 we desperately needed someone with catering experience and a good knowledge of making and serving food to huge crowds of people.  I mean, I could flip the pancakes but I sure as heck couldn't coordinate it all for a thousand people!!  One of our committee members approached Nonni since she had that kind of experience.  She agreed to help us!  Yay!!  What a relief!  I know it is two years later but I want to nominate (nominations closed) Nonni Anderson as our Volunteer of the Year!  She was great.  Her whole family came to celebrate Coronation's Centennial.  Keep in mind these are people, with the exception of her daughter and family who live in town, who did not even live in Coronation.  They came, they camped out in and around her yard, they entered in the slo pitch tournament and they all helped to prepare and serve one of the suppers.  What a group!  I was amazed and I am still amazed at their generosity and good cheer throughout all this.  Nonni not only attended all the meals (Saturday's breakfast and supper, Sunday's breakfast and supper, Monday's breakfast) and supervised, but she also took in her family's ball games.  I know there were a lot of other people who were busy and working very hard that weekend as well and kudos to them  as well.  Without you we would not have been able to have such a successful and memorable Centennial Celebration. 
Anyway here is Nonni's response to an e-mail I sent everyone after the celebrations were done and over with.  I wanted their impressions, etc. 
Hi Bonnie,
I feel extremely privileged to have worked with so many fantastic volunteers. From the people that did the smallest things to those that dedicated immense hours of their time. They were a great bunch of people. I would love to be able to name them all but not only is my memory not that great but I would be sure to miss someone and that would be the unfairest of all.
Yes we had our glitches, but in the over all picture they were few and far between.
I received a call from the  Health Inspector  the following week and she was very happy with the way the event was handled. (especially since we got off to a rocky start )
Although I did not get to see or participate in most of the weekend events my family which ranged in age from 1 year to 38 years found something for everybody. The praised the parade, the pool, the Golf course, the ball tournament, the kids games area, the hospitality and friendliness of Coronation, the Fireworks and last but not least the food. Great comments on the look of our community and the job that was so well done by Communities in Bloom. So although this is a small number it is the only one I can verify. 33 Anderson and "other" Anderson  family members had a fantastic time.
As for numbers regarding meals my best guess is > a whole bunch.
I would like to thank the Centennial Committee for allowing me to participate in the 100th celebration. As a "new" member of this town I felt very honored to be trusted with such a monumental event.
As for things that we could have done better >> NONE.. With the varied amount of volunteers and events the organization by this committee was outstanding.
There are probably a thousand other things I'd like to comment on but all I can think of at this point is how absolutely proud this town should be of a job well done by all.

I don't think I need to say one more word about the character of Nonni Anderson.  Below is her post.  She works at Value Drugs in Coronation if you want to get a gift card to her before the required date.

  I am so proud to know you Nonni! 
Nonni Anderson
The group of small communities surrounding Coronation have come together to help the Grads of High River. This was a fabulous heartwarming effort. After spending a day in High River there are not really any material things that can be sent at this time as there is nowhere to utilize everyday items such as dishes , furniture etc. BUT on the High River support site the idea of hand to hand donations is something we can participate in. Purchase a gift card for groceries, clothing, dinner, movies, Tim Hortons etc. There are gift cards for just about anything you can think of. Any restaurant to provide an evening away to enjoy a meal, movie night out with the kids away from the devastation, Walmart for many needs while in temporary housing, gas cards for the huge amount of travel back and forth to their homes for clean up. These cards are available in most stores. Value Drugs here in town or Stettler or Red Deer or anywhere you might be. Visa and Mastercard gift cards can be used for things that they feel they need the most. Most cards start at $25.00. I will be going back to High River on the weekend of the 20th and will be willing to drop off any cards we can collect. Your name and address will accompany the card you send. Cards can be dropped off with me at Value Drugs Coronation any time between now and Friday July 19th.
Last day of Centennial and still looking good!

Waiting for an ordinary day

I was up at a quarter to seven this morning, July 8th.  Very early for me, especially when I am on holiday, but the dogs had to go out RIGHT NOW!  I threw some clothes on and took them outside thinking that perhaps I would go back to bed.  However, it was so nice out I decided not to waste the day.  After a fortifying cup of coffee I set out with both dogs and we went for a nice long walk along the river trails right up to the dam.  I felt really good, no limping, just the usual tingling along my leg which I am kind of used to, but no pain - a minor miracle.  The dogs were ecstatic that they could go for such a nice long walk.  We went right up to the water but neither one of them wanted anything to do with it; perhaps they didn't like the fact that it was moving!  Who knows.

Once we got back I plugged my IPad in outside and listened to the radio.  I have this really good app called TuneIn Radio and I can get almost any radio station I would care to get.  So I listened to Capital FM from Edmonton, drank coffee, scanned Facebook on my laptop and checked my e-mails.  I still couldn't believe that I was doing all this before nine o'clock in the morning while on holidays!!  I am glad I listened to the radio because the DJ was talking about caloric content in alcoholic beverages.  I was shocked, and I shouldn't be since I once was a very faithful follower of Weight Watchers.  Anyhow, when he made a crack about a big glass of beer having 200 calories and that was why guys wore loose shirts when they went to the beach to hide their beer bellies; I started to pay attention.  I am a beer drinker, I have always liked beer and I honestly think it is good for me.  Well.....this guy said that a drink of vodka and cranberry juice was only 60 calories it got me to thinking.  I am not a fan of vodka but I do like rum - white rum, amber rum and especially spiced rum have been known to be in my repertoire over the years.  I was introduced to a Screw Up a few years ago and I quite liked it.  They are simple to make: spiced rum poured over ice, seven-up, and a splash or two of orange juice.  So I decided that one Screw Up would be only 60 calories....I mean, why would it be any different than that vodka/cranberry drink.  If you use diet pop then there's hardly any calories......really, there are no calories in ice cubes are there??

I have been doing nothing by way of significant exercise since my back problems.  Sitting around doing nothing and then drinking beer and getting fat - wow, what a life.  So I decided that today we would go for a drive and get a bottle of spiced rum and find some orange juice.  I had to do something about my caloric intake.  We had lunch, sat around some more and then finally left to get a few groceries and find some spiced rum!  We left the dogs in the trailer with the air conditioning on and locked up. 

Our first stop was Cobbs Breads where I purchased a couple loaves of bread.  I wanted to buy everything in the store but I restrained myself.  Next door was Quality Greens Farm Market where we got some nice fresh fruit and vegetables.  Then the adventure began again because Bernie was out of tobacco and he needed to find McGee's Fine Tobacco on Main Street.  We were there a few days ago but of course it is a one way street and he was having troubles.  So I pulled out his IPad and got into the maps app and let "Betty" do the navigating.  She got us there and he got his tobacco so he was happy.

That tobacco thing doesn't make me happy but I don't say much because it doesn't do any good anyway.

We headed back to the campsite, made a detour along the way to get that spiced rum and a bag of ice, and then back to the trailer.

The dogs were happy to see us of course, the trailer was nice and cool inside.  I think the temperature went up to 29 degrees today! 

I had taken some steaks out for supper so I proceeded to get everything ready.  Over the course of the day my back started to seize up again and my leg was just a big throbbing mass of pain which I try to ignore.  I got the barbecue going and put together a concoction of yams, onions and carrots and put them on to cook.  I got the steaks marinating in another concoction and ran back and forth to the barbecue and up and down the steps, have to get my exercise.  I kept the door closed and closed it tightly to keep the cold air in and the hot air out.  On a return trip back into the trailer the door would not open.  OH NO NOT AGAIN!!!!  I couldn't believe it and neither could Bernie.  We had no keys since they were in the trailer.  My keys were in the truck but it was locked and yes, you guessed it, the truck keys - both sets - were in the trailer.

So back to the storage compartment, out came all the stuff and I volunteered to go in.  It was painful and I should not have done it.  When I finally got in and under the bed I couldn't push the thing open wide enough to get the pail that we used last time in there to keep it open.  So Bernie ordered me out of there and he went in.  Since he was experienced in this stuff he got in and got the door open in no time flat.  I still could not believe it.  We decided that when he unlocked the door he left the keys in and when he pulled them out he turned them, thus putting the door in the lock position.  For some reason or other the door actually closed even though the latch should not have moved because it was locked......or something like that.  This whole thing confuses me and it is also very frustrating.  At least this time the dogs were not inside whining and yipping and scratching at the screens.  We passed an RV Store in our journeys today and I think that might be a good place to go tomorrow to see about a new door knob thingy. 

So we carried on as usual, I even swept the sand and grit out of the back storage area before putting all the stuff back in.  Then it was time to put the steaks on the barbecue.  I went a little heavy on the barbecue sauce and they were rib steaks which meant a little more fat to burn.  A whole lot of smoking was going on in that barbecue, not to mention the flames.  I left the door open because I was paranoid about it not opening again even though I made Bernie leave a set of keys outside. (really, after our last experience what made me think the stupid keys would open anything???).  I was just going to turn the steaks when the smoke detector in the trailer starts squealing away.  It really has a piercing sound, quite annoying actually!  So I got a tea towel and waved the smoke away - there was lots.  Bernie is sitting in his chair reading and he says, "Where did all the smoke come from?"  I should have snapped that tea towel at him and got it over with.  I mean, where the heck was his head?  He was sitting not that far from the barbecue.  It must be a good book. 

After supper we went for a little walk, and I mean little because my leg felt, and still feels like it is on fire.  We were in the RV Park and just about "home", Bernie had Sarge and they were walking ahead of us, when a big, and I mean big dog comes running at Sarge.  The poor little guy ran circles around Bernie and the leash got all tangled up.  Bernie was trying to pick Sarge up and this big dog was jumping all over him.  Our little guy was crying, it broke my heart.  I was a ways back and I hollered at this dog to go away and then the owners came rushing out.  It took a while but they finally got a hold of his collar and dragged him away.  It seems that he chewed through his leash.  They said they were sorry, Bernie said, "Oh that's okay." and walked away.  Little Sarge was just trembling he was so scared.  I was upset so I did not say a word, just got Duke in the trailer.  We checked Sarge over but he was okay, no wounds, just a fast beating heart and a very confused look on his cute little face.  He is not much for sitting on anyone's lap and not much of a cuddler but he sure clung to Bernie and just wanted to be held.  Boy those people had better get a chain or something that their dog can't bite through.  He is okay now, fast asleep.

I see it is almost 1 a.m. so I should stop, no more stories to tell anyway.  Someone commented on my Facebook post that she hoped I would not quit blogging when our holidays are over.  My answer is that I have so much to say, so much that I need to say and so much going on in my head right now that I promise once I start there will be no stopping me!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

On the road again and here for a while

July 5th was another travel day.  We were up fairly early so I could have a shower, get the dogs properly exercised and we could have a good breakfast.  The day was hot and I was lovin' it! We didn't endure seven months of winter to have a cool summer.

We stopped for gas before we left Golden.  $1.41 a litre.  What a rip off.  The trip to Penticton was fairly uneventful except for a little snafu at Three Valley Gap.  We thought we would pull in there and we did except that we turned left when we should have turned right and ended up at a dead end.  So I got out to direct and Bernie had to back the trailer up all the way down the parking lot, basically the same way we drove in except backwards.  We just got back on the highway and kept on going!  We have been there before anyway so no big deal.

We stopped for gas again in Vernon and got something to eat.  Wait?  Did I say we got something to eat and I didn't have to make lunch in the trailer??  Yes, we went to a Subway and actually bought something for a change!  AND, we sat in the truck and ate and not while the truck was moving.  Things change.  The temperature continued to rise the further south we went.  Good job we have air conditioning or I am sure the poor dogs would have been toast! 

It took forever to get through Kelowna, one traffic light after another.  I used the Maps app on my IPad to direct us to Park Royal RV Park once we got to Penticton.  "Betty" as we call the GPS directed us fairly well but the street names that she chirped out did not match the street names on the signs.  She took us in a big circle and we finally found the RV Park.  A very nice man, Bob, directed us to our sight.  Oh thank goodness another pull through site and it was a piece of cake.  We got everything all set up and then I fiddled around with the t.v. trying to get it to work.  They gave us a map of the campground and wrote down the password for the WiFi and then another set of numbers 2-4-1.  Bernie tells me that this has something to do with the t.v. set up and I couldn't figure out what to do.  I fooled around and tried every combination and finally got it to work - just in time for the Rider game which started at 6:00 and not 7:00 as we thought - forgot about the time change.  TSN was not coming in that well, but we didn't care, we watched, wore our new hats, drank Pilsner and lo and behold they beat the crap out of the Stampeders!

Bernie visited the washroom later on that evening and he came back fairly quickly.  As it turned out the 2-4-1 was the code for the washroom/shower room doors.  LOL  He looked kind of sheepish.  I said nothing, I think my point was made by my body language! 

Our air conditioner worked overtime since it was about 28 degrees and did not cool off that much in the evening.  We did go for a little walk but I didn't last very long since my leg and hip were hurting.

Saturday the 6th of July was another scorching hot day.  I got up early just to sit outside on our patio.  It is quite a nice set up.  The sites are not all that big but you pull your trailer into the spot, drive around and there is a parking spot for your vehicle.  Beside the trailer is a patio area with a picnic table and a little side table as well.  Then there is a little grassy area as well.  There are lovely trees separating the camping sites as well.  We set our barbecue up and our chairs, pulled down the canopy and our little home is all set up!  It is also nice and shady which is good for the dogs.  We are fairly close to the beach and across the street is the Okanagan River.  Coyote Cruises is also set up across the street and people ride down the river in tubes and rafts.  It looks like fun!!

Today, Sunday the 7th I managed to sleep in.  My back was just acting up a little bit more so I took a lovely muscle relaxant in addition to all the other drugs and it really knocked me out.  I was not feeling all that great in the night and had to get up - stumbling all over the place.  Oh I want to feel better and real soon.  I am still enjoying my holiday but it could be so much better if I wasn't so crippled. 

Bernie barbecued tonight and my contribution to supper was to open a can of beans and a can of fruit cocktail!!  I am weary of making meals.  We went for a longer walk this evening.  There is a lovely trail - the Trans Canada Trail - to walk along.  We also walked through a park called the Rose Garden.  There is a gazebo there surrounded by beautiful rose bushes.  It is a memorial garden and around the gazebo there are memorial plaques.  There are also benches with plaques engraved in memory of people.  It is all very nice and apparently it is used quite a bit for weddings, etc. and a wonderful venue for pictures.  We walked further along and saw a few more things before we turned around and headed back to our trailer.  We finally got around to putting flea and tick collars on the dogs.  Last year we had to pull a tick out of Sarge's ear when we were down in this area so I bought some collars before we left.  They are all natural and smell quite strongly like peppermint.  They don't seem to bother the dogs so I guess I can live with the smell!  I just hope they work because I don't feel like pulling any more ticks out - they are nasty things.

I have pretty much had it for the evening and it is now 11:30 p.m.  I called my mom today to see how she was doing and she reassured me that she is just fine and not to worry about her!  That is good to know. 

I am all caught up now.  We really like it here and I am pouting already about having to leave so soon.  We are here until Thursday and then it will be travel time again. 

Interesting day continued

I digressed when I got to the hat part of my blog so I will continue on with an update of how we spent the 4th of July.

We got in so late the night before that the office was closed.  So we just pulled into an empty spot - E4.  When I visited the office first thing in the morning to get the WiFi password I was informed that our confirmation number also included the site that was assigned to us - F6.  E, F, 4, 6,.....whatever.  I asked the attendant if we had to move and she said no, it would be all right.  So that was that.  I am sure it was my repentant look and the several "I'm sorrys" that convinced her to just leave things as they were!

So on to the tourist centre where we poked around.  I picked up all the free stuff and Bernie bought a post card and some doggie poop bags.  We forgot to take some and of course there were none in the trailer from last year.  They are available in most tourist centres I am sure!

We walked (hobbled) back to the campsite.  Of course the dogs started to bark and whine and scratch at the door and the window as soon as they heard our footsteps.  Bernie had locked up so he got his keys out and started twisting and turning them and then a little inappropriate language ensued and then he asked me what he was supposed to do now since the door would not unlock.  I didn't know either.  This had happened one other time but I was inside the trailer and I just fiddled around with the little red lock thing from the inside and everything worked fine after that.  So I tried as well and then he tried again - each time different combinations: first the top lock, then the bottom, first the bottom lock then the top.  Nothing worked!  We were both working up a sweat and the dogs were frantic.  The neighbours across the road were watching with interest but we just kind of ignored them because if they could help I am sure they would have come over and told us what to do.  So after bending the stupid key I said, not once but twice, "We have to go in from underneath."  There is a storage area at the back of the trailer that is under the bed and there is a hydraulic lift thingy that opens - it is very handy to store extra stuff and thank goodness it is there since it was our way in.  It doesn't open very wide, so we just slimmed right down immediately (especially me!).  Bernie went in first and honestly I should have taken a picture, he looked like a turtle going inside his shell.  Don't tell him I said that.  Oh who cares, he might read it anyway!  He went in head first, maneuvered over a wooden divider, squeezed in through a very small opening, and pushed up the plywood that is under the mattress.  Voila!  He was in.  The dogs were ecstatic!  So was I, for the moment, because I was not feeling like doing what he just did.  So I turned the key from the outside and he fiddled around from the inside.  Nothing happened.  Something was still stuck in there and the door would not open.  Why oh why does this have to happen to us?  What on earth did we do to deserve this?? 

The bottom line is Bernie ended up crawling out again.  I said I would go in....praying that I could actually squeeze through that opening.  So he stayed out and I went in.  What a chore.  I was halfway through and just over the wooden divider when I started to laugh uncontrollably - well it was funny.  I said "What if I get stuck?" and Bernie says, "You stay there like Winnie the Pooh until you slim down."  And so I thought of that story and I thought of Nicholas and how he just loved the Winnie the Pooh stories.  Then I thought of my high school English teacher who said he liked my composition about something or other and that I wrote in the style of A.A. Milne.  Oh my goodness, the things that go through your head when you are in a sticky (or is it a "stucky") situation.  So I just imagined that I was Twiggy and I got through.  Duke and Sarge were happy to see me too and they wanted to play.  I mean, what did they know?  So then Bernie fiddles around for a while outside and I can hear that one of the neighbours came by to say, "Can't get in hey?" Wow, that was deep.  Anyhow, Bernie came back in and the dogs thought, "Finally we are one big happy family."  I was just praying that they didn't have to pee because I sure as heck wasn't going to take them outside the same way I got in!!

I located the tool box and Bernie found the right screwdriver and proceeded to take everything apart.  We were very careful to put all the screws and various parts of the lock in a container for future reference.  Only one screw fell on the floor and I am sure it was my fault...... may as well take the blame because tempers were kind of short at the time.  It must have taken half an hour at the least and finally, finally we got the door open.  What a procedure.  We used screwdrivers, tweezers, scissors and patience (?) and it worked!  I thanked Bernie for at least knowing what to do and I proceeded to put things back in the storage area.  He sat down for a minute to collect his thoughts which led to having a cold drink which is what we should have done before we started all the screwdriver, etc. business.  He put things together as best he could after supper.  We have one lock that works and the other one can just go hang itself until we get to an RV place.  We will probably just get a new door handle thing a ma jig.  I think it should just be a regular door knob with a dead bolt - way easier if you ask me.  Everything in a trailer is kind of generic and cheap if you ask me.  Some of the stuff that is in here you don't dare lean on and you have to be careful since it is so light and frail that it could break at a moments notice. 

So that was our adventure for the day, as if we needed one.  I kind of wanted to go away on holidays to get away from all the drama and here we are having a little comedy/drama sitcom right in our campsite in Golden, B.C.  Brother!

Bernie had a well deserved nap and I organized things under the trailer - again!  I waved a howdy do wave to the neighbours and said, "Well that was an adventure!"  They told me that they were glad we solved the problem and that they were rooting for us the whole way!  Woo Hoo. 

I had taken chicken out of the freezer to barbecue for supper so I got that ready.  We ate late but then we tend to do that when we are on holiday.  who cares what time you eat?  You eat when you get hungry, right??  When we camped with the kids we always ate regular meals since I wanted to make sure everything was kind of normal.  I am not sure why I did that but it didn't seem to hurt them.  They were more put out by the fact that they had to change their underwear every day, brush their teeth and wash - just like at home!

We had a normal evening, took the dogs for a walk after we ate and then packed up most things like the outside mat, the barbecue and the chairs.

What a day.  My hip and leg hurt like the dickens and especially after crawling around underneath the trailer.  Boy camping is fun!

Restful and interesting day

July 4 - Independence Day in the USA - to all my American friends I hope you had a great day of celebrating.

We were both so tired that I slept in til noon and I think it was more like 1:00 p.m. before Bernie crawled out of bed.  I was up earlier to take Sarge outside to do his morning routine and then Duke had to go......dogs.  I am a little whacked out on account of all the medications I am taking.  Yesterday was just crazy.  I was able to read a bit while we were travelling but then I just dropped off to sleep which is something I do not normally do. 

We didn't do much, just sat outside and enjoyed the scenery.  Bernie read, I checked my e-mails and responded  to one - more on that later.  I honestly cannot be without internet and my laptop, phone and IPad.  I don't care if we are camping or at home or just visiting.  I just need to stay connected and that is just the way it is!  I keep track of my family and my friends and that makes me happy.  No cable t.v. here but that's okay I can live without t.v.

We took the dogs for a walk to air them out a little bit and then we left them inside the nice air conditioned trailer while we went for a walk.  I took  a cane with me thinking that  it  would help a bit with relieving the pressure on my hip and leg, blah blah blah.  We walked to the B.C. Tourist and Information Centre which was not too far from the campground.  It was hot and I'm glad we took water, sunglasses and hats.  Ah yes, the hats, now there's a story, so I will digress for a moment:

As we were getting ready to leave on Wednesday both of us had made trips downtown for various things so I wan't surprised to see a bag from Value Drug Mart sitting on the driver's seat. Well I was sort of surprised because before I went to the drug store I made a point of asking Bernie if he needed anything from the pharmacy.  He said that he did and told me what he needed and I got it.  So when I saw this bag I was a little puzzled that he would just go anyway.  But I thought, that's just like a man to do that and never gave it another thought.   I gave it a cursory glance and noticed two big bags of chips and a cap.  I surmised that he didn't want to get his new cap dirty and stepped on by the dogs so he put it in the bag.  I took the bag and put it behind the console on top of some stuff that I had already put in the truck.  It had to be readjusted a few times while we were travelling because Duke is a big  suck and as soon as we start to roll he has to crawl over everything from his original spot on the back seat and lay on my lap with his chin resting on the console!  I said a couple of times that those chips of his were going to get crushed and Bernie looked at me with a blank look; but then again he tends to do that!  We stopped to eat a lunch at a rest stop at the Morin Bridge and I thought he would like some of the chips but he said no and on we went.  I think we were near Canmore when he needed a snack and asked me what kind of chips were in that bag.  I looked at him and said , "Why are you asking me?" and when  he got annoyed I just pulled them out and told him anyway.  I said, "Don't you remember what you bought??" and he said "What are you talking about, I didn't buy them."  Well, here I am highly medicated and not able to drive or at least it would be a big mistake to do so and I'm thinking that either he is having a low blood  sugar episode or he is showing signs of early onset dementia.  Then he starts giving me the gears about buying Buffalo Wing chips because they may be too hot and he only likes to eat them with a nice cold beer.  The other bag was Dill Pickle so I opened that one up too and he calms down and starts to eat them.  Then he spies the hat in the bottom of the bag and says, "Look in there, what's that??"  I looked and said, "I think you put it in there but it looks like the one you are wearing already."  Then he starts telling me again that he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.  So I said, "Didn't you buy this stuff?" and he says, "No.  I thought you did."  My answer was that I did not buy anymore chips since I already put chips in the trailer and we had enough as it was.  When I pulled out the "hat" it turned out to be two Rider caps.  So we are bantering back and forth and at times it got a little heated but when I saw the two caps I put two and two together and realized who had done this.  So my friend who always comes up with thoughtful gifts and seems to know just what to give, how to give it and what to say:  the gig is up and you have been busted!!  It sure caused a very interesting conversation at any rate.  Bernie told me to text her and tell her that this caused some marital discord but we survived as usual.  I have other friends (you know who you are) who would call this the "B&B Show" and we should take it on the road!  I think we did!