Tuesday, June 8, 2010

O.K.  I think we have enough rain and I am actually ready to leave this soggy place and head to drier climates.  California here I come!  I am serious, I have had enough.  So what if the countryside is lush and green?  I don't really care anymore.  Where is the sunshine??  If I hear one more comment about how good the rain is for this part of the country I am going to throw a wreck.  AAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHH!!!!!

I do believe in global warming and climate change and all that stuff.  So bring on the warming and change for crying out loud.  The interesting thing about crappy weather is that is all anybody talks about, including me.  So I guess it is time to shut up about that and "blog" about something else.

I bought petunias, portulaca, geraniums and a beautiful begonia.  They are all outside and doing quite well considering.  Well, all except the poor portulaca which has rotted.  I will have to get out there between showers and plow it under and get something else started there.  I knew that this would probably be the year for sweet peas but I decided against it because it sounded like too much work to soak the seeds before I put them in the parched earth.  Ha!  I will never be a meteorologist.

To top it all off we are having issues with our water consumption.  We are about 99 percent certain that our water metre is faulty since there is no way that we would use 29 cubic metres of water in a month's time.  We did the toilet tank test, and have determined that it isn't the culprit.  We even turned the water off at the tank overnight and when we check the metre in the morning it has actually moved ahead.  If there is a leak somewhere it certainly isn't obvious so what is that all about?  Unless we have someone tapping into our water supply we cannot figure out why the metre moves when the water is not turned on anywhere.  Today Bernie will march down to the town office and suggest a new metre.

Enough talk about water.