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Sunday, July 7, 2013

Restful and interesting day

July 4 - Independence Day in the USA - to all my American friends I hope you had a great day of celebrating.

We were both so tired that I slept in til noon and I think it was more like 1:00 p.m. before Bernie crawled out of bed.  I was up earlier to take Sarge outside to do his morning routine and then Duke had to go......dogs.  I am a little whacked out on account of all the medications I am taking.  Yesterday was just crazy.  I was able to read a bit while we were travelling but then I just dropped off to sleep which is something I do not normally do. 

We didn't do much, just sat outside and enjoyed the scenery.  Bernie read, I checked my e-mails and responded  to one - more on that later.  I honestly cannot be without internet and my laptop, phone and IPad.  I don't care if we are camping or at home or just visiting.  I just need to stay connected and that is just the way it is!  I keep track of my family and my friends and that makes me happy.  No cable t.v. here but that's okay I can live without t.v.

We took the dogs for a walk to air them out a little bit and then we left them inside the nice air conditioned trailer while we went for a walk.  I took  a cane with me thinking that  it  would help a bit with relieving the pressure on my hip and leg, blah blah blah.  We walked to the B.C. Tourist and Information Centre which was not too far from the campground.  It was hot and I'm glad we took water, sunglasses and hats.  Ah yes, the hats, now there's a story, so I will digress for a moment:

As we were getting ready to leave on Wednesday both of us had made trips downtown for various things so I wan't surprised to see a bag from Value Drug Mart sitting on the driver's seat. Well I was sort of surprised because before I went to the drug store I made a point of asking Bernie if he needed anything from the pharmacy.  He said that he did and told me what he needed and I got it.  So when I saw this bag I was a little puzzled that he would just go anyway.  But I thought, that's just like a man to do that and never gave it another thought.   I gave it a cursory glance and noticed two big bags of chips and a cap.  I surmised that he didn't want to get his new cap dirty and stepped on by the dogs so he put it in the bag.  I took the bag and put it behind the console on top of some stuff that I had already put in the truck.  It had to be readjusted a few times while we were travelling because Duke is a big  suck and as soon as we start to roll he has to crawl over everything from his original spot on the back seat and lay on my lap with his chin resting on the console!  I said a couple of times that those chips of his were going to get crushed and Bernie looked at me with a blank look; but then again he tends to do that!  We stopped to eat a lunch at a rest stop at the Morin Bridge and I thought he would like some of the chips but he said no and on we went.  I think we were near Canmore when he needed a snack and asked me what kind of chips were in that bag.  I looked at him and said , "Why are you asking me?" and when  he got annoyed I just pulled them out and told him anyway.  I said, "Don't you remember what you bought??" and he said "What are you talking about, I didn't buy them."  Well, here I am highly medicated and not able to drive or at least it would be a big mistake to do so and I'm thinking that either he is having a low blood  sugar episode or he is showing signs of early onset dementia.  Then he starts giving me the gears about buying Buffalo Wing chips because they may be too hot and he only likes to eat them with a nice cold beer.  The other bag was Dill Pickle so I opened that one up too and he calms down and starts to eat them.  Then he spies the hat in the bottom of the bag and says, "Look in there, what's that??"  I looked and said, "I think you put it in there but it looks like the one you are wearing already."  Then he starts telling me again that he doesn't have a clue what I'm talking about.  So I said, "Didn't you buy this stuff?" and he says, "No.  I thought you did."  My answer was that I did not buy anymore chips since I already put chips in the trailer and we had enough as it was.  When I pulled out the "hat" it turned out to be two Rider caps.  So we are bantering back and forth and at times it got a little heated but when I saw the two caps I put two and two together and realized who had done this.  So my friend who always comes up with thoughtful gifts and seems to know just what to give, how to give it and what to say:  the gig is up and you have been busted!!  It sure caused a very interesting conversation at any rate.  Bernie told me to text her and tell her that this caused some marital discord but we survived as usual.  I have other friends (you know who you are) who would call this the "B&B Show" and we should take it on the road!  I think we did!

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