Blog Archive

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Waiting for an ordinary day

I was up at a quarter to seven this morning, July 8th.  Very early for me, especially when I am on holiday, but the dogs had to go out RIGHT NOW!  I threw some clothes on and took them outside thinking that perhaps I would go back to bed.  However, it was so nice out I decided not to waste the day.  After a fortifying cup of coffee I set out with both dogs and we went for a nice long walk along the river trails right up to the dam.  I felt really good, no limping, just the usual tingling along my leg which I am kind of used to, but no pain - a minor miracle.  The dogs were ecstatic that they could go for such a nice long walk.  We went right up to the water but neither one of them wanted anything to do with it; perhaps they didn't like the fact that it was moving!  Who knows.

Once we got back I plugged my IPad in outside and listened to the radio.  I have this really good app called TuneIn Radio and I can get almost any radio station I would care to get.  So I listened to Capital FM from Edmonton, drank coffee, scanned Facebook on my laptop and checked my e-mails.  I still couldn't believe that I was doing all this before nine o'clock in the morning while on holidays!!  I am glad I listened to the radio because the DJ was talking about caloric content in alcoholic beverages.  I was shocked, and I shouldn't be since I once was a very faithful follower of Weight Watchers.  Anyhow, when he made a crack about a big glass of beer having 200 calories and that was why guys wore loose shirts when they went to the beach to hide their beer bellies; I started to pay attention.  I am a beer drinker, I have always liked beer and I honestly think it is good for me.  Well.....this guy said that a drink of vodka and cranberry juice was only 60 calories it got me to thinking.  I am not a fan of vodka but I do like rum - white rum, amber rum and especially spiced rum have been known to be in my repertoire over the years.  I was introduced to a Screw Up a few years ago and I quite liked it.  They are simple to make: spiced rum poured over ice, seven-up, and a splash or two of orange juice.  So I decided that one Screw Up would be only 60 calories....I mean, why would it be any different than that vodka/cranberry drink.  If you use diet pop then there's hardly any calories......really, there are no calories in ice cubes are there??

I have been doing nothing by way of significant exercise since my back problems.  Sitting around doing nothing and then drinking beer and getting fat - wow, what a life.  So I decided that today we would go for a drive and get a bottle of spiced rum and find some orange juice.  I had to do something about my caloric intake.  We had lunch, sat around some more and then finally left to get a few groceries and find some spiced rum!  We left the dogs in the trailer with the air conditioning on and locked up. 

Our first stop was Cobbs Breads where I purchased a couple loaves of bread.  I wanted to buy everything in the store but I restrained myself.  Next door was Quality Greens Farm Market where we got some nice fresh fruit and vegetables.  Then the adventure began again because Bernie was out of tobacco and he needed to find McGee's Fine Tobacco on Main Street.  We were there a few days ago but of course it is a one way street and he was having troubles.  So I pulled out his IPad and got into the maps app and let "Betty" do the navigating.  She got us there and he got his tobacco so he was happy.

That tobacco thing doesn't make me happy but I don't say much because it doesn't do any good anyway.

We headed back to the campsite, made a detour along the way to get that spiced rum and a bag of ice, and then back to the trailer.

The dogs were happy to see us of course, the trailer was nice and cool inside.  I think the temperature went up to 29 degrees today! 

I had taken some steaks out for supper so I proceeded to get everything ready.  Over the course of the day my back started to seize up again and my leg was just a big throbbing mass of pain which I try to ignore.  I got the barbecue going and put together a concoction of yams, onions and carrots and put them on to cook.  I got the steaks marinating in another concoction and ran back and forth to the barbecue and up and down the steps, have to get my exercise.  I kept the door closed and closed it tightly to keep the cold air in and the hot air out.  On a return trip back into the trailer the door would not open.  OH NO NOT AGAIN!!!!  I couldn't believe it and neither could Bernie.  We had no keys since they were in the trailer.  My keys were in the truck but it was locked and yes, you guessed it, the truck keys - both sets - were in the trailer.

So back to the storage compartment, out came all the stuff and I volunteered to go in.  It was painful and I should not have done it.  When I finally got in and under the bed I couldn't push the thing open wide enough to get the pail that we used last time in there to keep it open.  So Bernie ordered me out of there and he went in.  Since he was experienced in this stuff he got in and got the door open in no time flat.  I still could not believe it.  We decided that when he unlocked the door he left the keys in and when he pulled them out he turned them, thus putting the door in the lock position.  For some reason or other the door actually closed even though the latch should not have moved because it was locked......or something like that.  This whole thing confuses me and it is also very frustrating.  At least this time the dogs were not inside whining and yipping and scratching at the screens.  We passed an RV Store in our journeys today and I think that might be a good place to go tomorrow to see about a new door knob thingy. 

So we carried on as usual, I even swept the sand and grit out of the back storage area before putting all the stuff back in.  Then it was time to put the steaks on the barbecue.  I went a little heavy on the barbecue sauce and they were rib steaks which meant a little more fat to burn.  A whole lot of smoking was going on in that barbecue, not to mention the flames.  I left the door open because I was paranoid about it not opening again even though I made Bernie leave a set of keys outside. (really, after our last experience what made me think the stupid keys would open anything???).  I was just going to turn the steaks when the smoke detector in the trailer starts squealing away.  It really has a piercing sound, quite annoying actually!  So I got a tea towel and waved the smoke away - there was lots.  Bernie is sitting in his chair reading and he says, "Where did all the smoke come from?"  I should have snapped that tea towel at him and got it over with.  I mean, where the heck was his head?  He was sitting not that far from the barbecue.  It must be a good book. 

After supper we went for a little walk, and I mean little because my leg felt, and still feels like it is on fire.  We were in the RV Park and just about "home", Bernie had Sarge and they were walking ahead of us, when a big, and I mean big dog comes running at Sarge.  The poor little guy ran circles around Bernie and the leash got all tangled up.  Bernie was trying to pick Sarge up and this big dog was jumping all over him.  Our little guy was crying, it broke my heart.  I was a ways back and I hollered at this dog to go away and then the owners came rushing out.  It took a while but they finally got a hold of his collar and dragged him away.  It seems that he chewed through his leash.  They said they were sorry, Bernie said, "Oh that's okay." and walked away.  Little Sarge was just trembling he was so scared.  I was upset so I did not say a word, just got Duke in the trailer.  We checked Sarge over but he was okay, no wounds, just a fast beating heart and a very confused look on his cute little face.  He is not much for sitting on anyone's lap and not much of a cuddler but he sure clung to Bernie and just wanted to be held.  Boy those people had better get a chain or something that their dog can't bite through.  He is okay now, fast asleep.

I see it is almost 1 a.m. so I should stop, no more stories to tell anyway.  Someone commented on my Facebook post that she hoped I would not quit blogging when our holidays are over.  My answer is that I have so much to say, so much that I need to say and so much going on in my head right now that I promise once I start there will be no stopping me!

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