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Sunday, July 7, 2013

On the road again and here for a while

July 5th was another travel day.  We were up fairly early so I could have a shower, get the dogs properly exercised and we could have a good breakfast.  The day was hot and I was lovin' it! We didn't endure seven months of winter to have a cool summer.

We stopped for gas before we left Golden.  $1.41 a litre.  What a rip off.  The trip to Penticton was fairly uneventful except for a little snafu at Three Valley Gap.  We thought we would pull in there and we did except that we turned left when we should have turned right and ended up at a dead end.  So I got out to direct and Bernie had to back the trailer up all the way down the parking lot, basically the same way we drove in except backwards.  We just got back on the highway and kept on going!  We have been there before anyway so no big deal.

We stopped for gas again in Vernon and got something to eat.  Wait?  Did I say we got something to eat and I didn't have to make lunch in the trailer??  Yes, we went to a Subway and actually bought something for a change!  AND, we sat in the truck and ate and not while the truck was moving.  Things change.  The temperature continued to rise the further south we went.  Good job we have air conditioning or I am sure the poor dogs would have been toast! 

It took forever to get through Kelowna, one traffic light after another.  I used the Maps app on my IPad to direct us to Park Royal RV Park once we got to Penticton.  "Betty" as we call the GPS directed us fairly well but the street names that she chirped out did not match the street names on the signs.  She took us in a big circle and we finally found the RV Park.  A very nice man, Bob, directed us to our sight.  Oh thank goodness another pull through site and it was a piece of cake.  We got everything all set up and then I fiddled around with the t.v. trying to get it to work.  They gave us a map of the campground and wrote down the password for the WiFi and then another set of numbers 2-4-1.  Bernie tells me that this has something to do with the t.v. set up and I couldn't figure out what to do.  I fooled around and tried every combination and finally got it to work - just in time for the Rider game which started at 6:00 and not 7:00 as we thought - forgot about the time change.  TSN was not coming in that well, but we didn't care, we watched, wore our new hats, drank Pilsner and lo and behold they beat the crap out of the Stampeders!

Bernie visited the washroom later on that evening and he came back fairly quickly.  As it turned out the 2-4-1 was the code for the washroom/shower room doors.  LOL  He looked kind of sheepish.  I said nothing, I think my point was made by my body language! 

Our air conditioner worked overtime since it was about 28 degrees and did not cool off that much in the evening.  We did go for a little walk but I didn't last very long since my leg and hip were hurting.

Saturday the 6th of July was another scorching hot day.  I got up early just to sit outside on our patio.  It is quite a nice set up.  The sites are not all that big but you pull your trailer into the spot, drive around and there is a parking spot for your vehicle.  Beside the trailer is a patio area with a picnic table and a little side table as well.  Then there is a little grassy area as well.  There are lovely trees separating the camping sites as well.  We set our barbecue up and our chairs, pulled down the canopy and our little home is all set up!  It is also nice and shady which is good for the dogs.  We are fairly close to the beach and across the street is the Okanagan River.  Coyote Cruises is also set up across the street and people ride down the river in tubes and rafts.  It looks like fun!!

Today, Sunday the 7th I managed to sleep in.  My back was just acting up a little bit more so I took a lovely muscle relaxant in addition to all the other drugs and it really knocked me out.  I was not feeling all that great in the night and had to get up - stumbling all over the place.  Oh I want to feel better and real soon.  I am still enjoying my holiday but it could be so much better if I wasn't so crippled. 

Bernie barbecued tonight and my contribution to supper was to open a can of beans and a can of fruit cocktail!!  I am weary of making meals.  We went for a longer walk this evening.  There is a lovely trail - the Trans Canada Trail - to walk along.  We also walked through a park called the Rose Garden.  There is a gazebo there surrounded by beautiful rose bushes.  It is a memorial garden and around the gazebo there are memorial plaques.  There are also benches with plaques engraved in memory of people.  It is all very nice and apparently it is used quite a bit for weddings, etc. and a wonderful venue for pictures.  We walked further along and saw a few more things before we turned around and headed back to our trailer.  We finally got around to putting flea and tick collars on the dogs.  Last year we had to pull a tick out of Sarge's ear when we were down in this area so I bought some collars before we left.  They are all natural and smell quite strongly like peppermint.  They don't seem to bother the dogs so I guess I can live with the smell!  I just hope they work because I don't feel like pulling any more ticks out - they are nasty things.

I have pretty much had it for the evening and it is now 11:30 p.m.  I called my mom today to see how she was doing and she reassured me that she is just fine and not to worry about her!  That is good to know. 

I am all caught up now.  We really like it here and I am pouting already about having to leave so soon.  We are here until Thursday and then it will be travel time again. 

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