Monday, December 6, 2010

Brrrr, it is cold out there.  Yes, December 6 and I haven't been very consistent with this blogging thing.  I do love to write and ramble on and on so it is odd that I haven't written anything for a while.  My biggest enemy is time.
The election went well on October 18th - well at least it went well for the seven people who were elected.  We have a totally new look including four new councillors, a new CAO and a new Admin. Assistant.  I am very pleased with how things turned out.  I am not feeling like I am off to war each time I attend a council meeting! 
Most of the Councillors and our CAO were able to attend the AUMA Convention in Edmonton.  As usual it was a good learning experience as well as a good opportunity for us to get to know one another a bit better.
Coronation has been bustling with activity this past month.  Preparations are well under way for our Centennial Celebrations which will take place July 29-August 1, 2011.  I am the Secretary of the Centennial committee and that keeps me involved in everything.  Secretary is one of my favorite jobs and I actually volunteered.  I have been busy keeping a record of everything and passing along information to the whole community as well as keeping the executive committee connected and "in the loop".  This is a huge undertaking and all of the people who have stepped forward to take on the planning portion are to be commended for their actions.  We are going to need several more volunteers and I just hope they come out of the woodwork sooner than later!
The Kids Christmas Shopping day took place at the hall on December 3.  I was not able to get there due to other committments but I understand that it was a roaring success.  Thanks to the individuals who planned this the children were able to get their Christmas shopping done.  Kind of like going to the mall since it was 'one stop' shopping!  This is a worthwhile event and it is just one more reason why Coronation is a great place to live.
The Community Christmas party was held on December 4.  Once again this was made possible by individuals in our community who put it all together, advertised, arranged for a caterer, volunteer help and a DJ for the dance.  I would consider it to be successful and next year will be even better.  We were part of the Town of Coronation contingent.  I was a little disappointed that not many of the town employees chose to attend even though they were all invited.  Perhaps they will attend in the future once they see what a good time the rest of us had!  Thanks to a very capable and creative office staff we managed to win the prize for the best decorated table.  I know I had a good time, perhaps a little too good of a time, but then I rarely have a bad time - no point in going out if that's the case.  If anybody is actually reading this, please send me the pictures you took.  Just leave a comment on my blog and I will give you my e-mail address.
The school Christmas concert is this Thursday, December 9th.  A week later Gord Bamford is coming to town for a concert.
Anybody who thinks Coronation is a dull place to live just doesn't get out much I do believe!
I am hardly ever home between working, making sure my mom has everything she needs, meetings, curling, bowling and lately going to Christmas parties.  I haven't even done any Christmas shopping yet and it is not on my list of priorities.  I just like to know that I have the "fixings" to have a good meal, and have people around me to enjoy it with.  That is basically my priority since I don't think it is necessary to spend vast amounts of cash to prove we had Christmas.  That's just me.