Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Say a prayer for Sandy Hook

 I am not familiar with guns, I have never held one and I don't really have the need for one if you know what I mean.  When 20 children are gunned down, and 6 adults are killed and a mother dies in her bed, all at the hands of a single deranged individual it gives us more than a pause to reflect.  I don't think it is one thing or another and everyone will play out their own feelings and opinions about what kills, what doesn't, what needs to be fixed, what needs to stay the same.  Public debate will go on for a while and I do hope there are some changes.  The guy was a nut job who got his hands on some very questionable weapons and chose to break into a school and pretend to be Rambo in the jungle.  Then he chose to be even more of a coward by taking his own pathetic life.  The moral and social fabric of a nation is in the spotlight at the moment.  The funerals have begun, another town is in mourning and a nation, the whole world, is watching.  My opinion on gun control?  While I know they don't just jump off the shelves and go into auto-pilot, handguns and fancy schmansy automatic weapons were made to kill people, there is a huge gun lobby in the United States that is more powerful than most people know, violence is quite often a way of life - something needs to change.  Now there is a race to get to the stores and purchase AR 15s, good lord.   Get back to the basics, put more money into family programs, make it sustainable funding and in some cases make it mandatory.  Why have the weapons in the first place?  We feel a need to protect ourselves from other people and their unpredictable ways and I am sick and tired of it.  Prevention is the key with everything.  There are lots of diseases and other things that can kill children, we don't really need to throw guns and violence into the mix.  Merry Christmas everyone and say a prayer for those little kids, for the teachers, for all the families who will be forever changed.