Saturday, July 6, 2013

Yippee!! Holidays have begun!

Well finally our holidays have begun.  I had to admit that I really needed to just get away and do a whole lot of nothing.  Today is July 6 so I have some catching up to do.  I can't get my laptop connected to the wireless internet here at the Park Royal RV Resort in Penticton so I have to use either a touch screen or a little teeny weeny keyboard that will probably crater after I am done with it.  I like to really pound that keyboard; that is how we learned to type way back in the "olden days" when Mrs. Appenheimer was our typing teacher.  Those were the days.  Anyhow, I digress and that will certainly be another topic for my blog at a later date!

We left home on July 3rd, later in the afternoon than I would have liked but Bernie had some yard work left to do. He pulled the trailer around to the front of the house so it was easier to get the last minute things loaded up.  I packed more junk food and beverages in every nook and cranny I could find.  It's a good thing we don't have to pull into the weigh stations since we would probably be over the limit!  The truck got cleaned inside and out earlier in the week so that made me happy.  The trailer was behaving properly except that the stupid pump sounded like it was going to jump right out of the cupboard.  I ignored it since we only need it when we are somewhere on the road and otherwise we would be hooked up to a water line. Last year we had problems with the drain hoses leaking all over creation but that problem seemed to solve itself. I had gently suggested to Bernie that he write things down that he did and how he fixed it so that if it occurred again he would know which valve to open, which one to close, what pipe fills what, etc. etc. etc.  He didn't do it and then this year when we had some issues he says, "A person should just write this stuff down and label things and.......etc. etc."  Okey dokey.

The house keys and security system details were handled by our trusty friend Lois and other details and phone numbers etc. were entrusted to a couple of other people.  This was just in case, and usually nothing happens anyway.  I neglected to inform Home Care that I would not be around so if any of you girls are reading this ..... now you know.  I also want to thank those co workers of mine who not only traded shifts with me so that I could take vacation time now but also the same people who filled in for me when I could not work because of my back problems. I still have a fair amount of pain and my right leg and hip are pretty much useless.  Walking is an issue.

We left for Golden, B.C. and the Whispering Spruce Campground around 3:30 p.m.  Not bad, only three and a half hours after I thought we would leave.  I cannot help with any of the driving.  We did not make many stops.  The UFA Cardlock in Hanna was a handy place to pull in for gas and we stopped for a lunch break and a walk with the dogs at the Morin Bridge, or at least I think that is what it is called.  We bypassed Calgary and went through Airdrie and Cochrane.  There is a huge gas station and truck stop by Cochrane where we also stopped for gas.  We are learning where all the good places are so we don't have to turn the trailer around at a right angle to the truck! 

The drive on #1 highway past Canmore and Banff took a long time but I have to say that the road crews did a great job of getting that highway open to all traffic in such a short time.  We could see just from the highway what an awful mess the flooding made of everything.  I am so grateful that we did not have to experience what those poor people are going through right now especially in High River.  We certainly have advantages to living in the east country.

The dogs are good travellers and they do not make near as many demands as our kids used to make while we were on holidays years ago.  "Are we there yet?"  "Where are we?"  "I have to pee."  "I puked."  Oh what memories we have. 

We got to the campground at 10 p.m.  I was exhausted so I can't even imagine how Bernie was feeling.  Of course the office was closed at 9:00 p.m. so we just went and found a spot and pulled in for the night.  It did not take long to set up because of the late hour and we were just plain tired.  The ground was covered in pine least that is what I am calling it.  The spruce trees are beautiful but they tend to leave sticky stuff everywhere.  The dogs desperately need a grooming and that didn't help the sticky situation.  We got our chairs out and enjoyed a cool beverage and to heck with the sticky paws, sticky shoes, sticky everywhere.  It was late to begin with and later before we finally said good night, sleep tight and see you in the morning!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Happy Canada Day 2013

Happy Birthday Canada!  You are 146 years old today and you never looked better!
We just got back from the wonderful Party in the Park that is organized by the good folks who belong to the Museum Society.  I hope I got that one right.  In any event it is organized by a great group of volunteers who slave away to make our Heritage Park look absolutely fantastic.  There are flags everywhere and my heart just swells with pride to be a Canadian!
This year I gave greetings from the town.  I also did that job last year because our Mayor was unavailable to do so.  I don't mind, in fact I kind of enjoy it even though it means writing a speech.  Here, in its entirety is the speech I delivered this year, July 1, 2013:

First off a few words about the terrible flooding and devastation in High River, Alberta.  We can only imagine what this has done to disrupt the lives of all those people who live there.  In our community we have caring and compassionate people who have gathered graduation clothing and accessories to send to the High River Grade Twelve students who have lost everything.  Now they will be able to celebrate their graduation from high school in style and with the knowledge that we all care.  That is what makes me so proud to say that I am a Canadian an Albertan and a proud citizen of Coronation.

As the Deputy Mayor I am very pleased to bring greetings on behalf of the Town of Coronation on Canada Day.

On July 1st, 1867 Canada was proclaimed a nation.  We have come a long way since 1867 but the basic tenants of freedom have resounded loud and clear throughout our history. I believe we live in the best country in the world.  We have freedoms that some people in other parts of the world can only dream about.  We can express ourselves, we can vote for whoever we wish to vote for, we can move about freely; all without fear of persecution. 

In Coronation we are no different.  We are a safe and caring community and as a town council it is our duty to protect those freedoms for whoever chooses to live here.  We are diverse, things change and sometimes we don’t always know who our neighbors are.  Celebrations such as this give us an opportunity to come together and bond as a community.  As a town council we have worked very hard to provide the leadership and encouragement to individuals and groups who wish to enhance and improve our community. 

Our vision for Coronation is that we are a thriving proud and diverse Community that promotes positive sustainable growth, provides a safe and healthy environment and enhances the quality of life for our residents.  This was probably true 146 years ago when the Fathers of Confederation gathered to hammer out the details and provide the terms of reference for the formation of our nation. As a member of council I feel it is our responsibility to focus our efforts on this vision that we have created.

To fulfill our promise to the people we cannot and should not tolerate nor accept the actions and views of those whose only interests are selfish in nature and have the potential to destroy the good will the spirit and the compassionate fabric of our community.  My advice to those who have these characteristics is to try and do something that will improve their way of life by looking inwards instead of trying to find fault with others.  You have, after all, chosen to live here so it would be a good idea to try and make the best of it instead of trying to define yourself by looking for ways to humiliate and criticize others.  That is not what we are all about in this community nor is it what Canada stands for.

I share the wishes and the vision of Town Council and hopefully these are the hopes and dreams of all citizens of Coronation. We can all live together in harmony with tolerance, acceptance and a willingness to embrace new ideas that will enhance and improve our community and our way of life. 

So let’s have fun today.  Let’s celebrate and be proud of who we are and what we can become as a community.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the people who give of their time to provide us with this wonderful Party in the Park.  Thank you so much for your volunteer efforts, it is appreciated.

On behalf of the Town of Coronation I would like to welcome you all here today.  I would like to wish Canada a very happy Birthday and let’s all enjoy the day!
So that's it for another year.  I am not walking very well right now, have a pinched nerve that is causing my leg to go numb, my back to ache and it is very painful.  I am also very impatient with the whole deal because we are getting ready to go on holidays.  I think we are just about done.  We have the trailer all packed up and I told Bernie that today he should just get it hooked up to the truck and park it out front like everybody else!  LOL  I think it can sit there for forty-eight hours before it becomes a problem!  I wouldn't want to be in violation of some bylaw that I helped to create!
I will be writing a bit more in this blog when I have more time.  I kind of suspect it will be while we are on holidays because I can't walk very far to do anything. 
I like to share this stuff on Facebook so if you should happen to read it, just share it with all your friends as well - I don't mind.