Thursday, January 28, 2010

Today we took Duke to Dog Beach.  We thought he should get something out of this extended "holiday".  Who knows what the hell he's thinking.  I mean, do dogs really think?

Anyhow, it is a short drive from our campground to Ocean Beach and that is where Dog Beach is located.  It is a beach area where dogs can be off leash if you so desire.  We don't usually let him off leash except in our yard because he is a Shih Tzu and I emphasize the Shih.

We had a great time, Duke was not sure if he liked it.  In fact he drooled copious amounts of mucous the entire time we were there so I would wager a bet that the entire experience caused him extreme anxiety. 

He is not a dog who takes well to new experiences.  When we take him to dog parks in the campgrounds he stays tangled up in our legs and if he could he would jump into our arms.  He then proceeds to drool on everything and sometimes he throws up when we get back to our campsite.  In fact that is what he did today.

I give up.  I don't think it is necessary to take this animal anywhere except to the obvious places where he likes to relieve himself and then trot briskly back to familiar territory.  He is afraid of everything and I think I like it that way.