Thursday, July 1, 2010

Oh Canada!  July 1st and we are celebrating Canada Day.  My status on my Facebook page states that I am proud to be a Canadian.  Well, who wouldn't be?  We live in a wonderful country which is the "true north strong and free", through and through.
Later on today we will stroll on down to Heritage Park to take part in all of the festivities.  The Museum Society sponsors a great day which starts with the singing of our national anthem.  The kids will have races and contests, the museum will be open for tours and we do a lot of sitting around and visiting.  The barbecues are fired up to cook  hamburgers and hot dogs and of course there is a large cake to devour!  The highlight of the day is the Duck Racing.   The Fire Department comes and hoses down Railway Avenue from the top of the hill on the west end.   As the water rushes down the gutter the rubber ducks are thrown in and down they swim.  The first ones over the line win prizes for their "owners".  There are usually four or five races, depending on how many people buy ducks!  I love it, and I never get tired of it. 
We live in such a wonderful and diverse country.  I have been clear across the country and I haven't been anywhere that I didn't think I would fit right in and have a life no matter what.  Being a Canadian holds a special status for those who travel to other countries.  I always feel welcome no matter where we go and we have been to a few places outside of Canada.
I am very disgusted with what went on in Toronto this past week at the G-8, G-20 summit.  Cowards and hooligans who dress all in black and wreck things are not making a very good impression right now.  For those who got "sucked in" by all the stupidity and who are whining because the jail cells are too cold and they were a little thirsty.......well.....cry me a river, I don't feel very sorry for you.  You should not have been there. When you saw trouble coming you should have turned around and ran the other way.  Did your parents not teach you that there are consequences for your actions?
I think that Coronation should host the next summit.  I think we have room here for eight or twenty world leaders.  They would be very welcome and I do believe we could show them a good time.  Just think about it...........We have several people around town who would be only too happy to share their homes for a few days and I don't think we would have any trouble finding billets.  I personally have a nice big yard and a huge deck which could accomodate twenty people or more.  I am not sure how many days this little shindig lasts but I know we could pull it off.  We have a small detachment of RCMP officers who could stand guard if they like, but by the time the rest of the world figures out where Coronation is the event would be done and over with!
I do believe I am on to something here.
As for the trouble makers.  I want you all to know that we here in small town Alberta do not put up with rudeness and violence.  We have our ways and we are not afraid to do whatever it takes to protect our home and our loved ones. So if this event ever makes its way to our fair town all I can say is "Black Bloc, meet Alberta Red Neck".  LOL