Blog Archive

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Interesting day continued

I digressed when I got to the hat part of my blog so I will continue on with an update of how we spent the 4th of July.

We got in so late the night before that the office was closed.  So we just pulled into an empty spot - E4.  When I visited the office first thing in the morning to get the WiFi password I was informed that our confirmation number also included the site that was assigned to us - F6.  E, F, 4, 6,.....whatever.  I asked the attendant if we had to move and she said no, it would be all right.  So that was that.  I am sure it was my repentant look and the several "I'm sorrys" that convinced her to just leave things as they were!

So on to the tourist centre where we poked around.  I picked up all the free stuff and Bernie bought a post card and some doggie poop bags.  We forgot to take some and of course there were none in the trailer from last year.  They are available in most tourist centres I am sure!

We walked (hobbled) back to the campsite.  Of course the dogs started to bark and whine and scratch at the door and the window as soon as they heard our footsteps.  Bernie had locked up so he got his keys out and started twisting and turning them and then a little inappropriate language ensued and then he asked me what he was supposed to do now since the door would not unlock.  I didn't know either.  This had happened one other time but I was inside the trailer and I just fiddled around with the little red lock thing from the inside and everything worked fine after that.  So I tried as well and then he tried again - each time different combinations: first the top lock, then the bottom, first the bottom lock then the top.  Nothing worked!  We were both working up a sweat and the dogs were frantic.  The neighbours across the road were watching with interest but we just kind of ignored them because if they could help I am sure they would have come over and told us what to do.  So after bending the stupid key I said, not once but twice, "We have to go in from underneath."  There is a storage area at the back of the trailer that is under the bed and there is a hydraulic lift thingy that opens - it is very handy to store extra stuff and thank goodness it is there since it was our way in.  It doesn't open very wide, so we just slimmed right down immediately (especially me!).  Bernie went in first and honestly I should have taken a picture, he looked like a turtle going inside his shell.  Don't tell him I said that.  Oh who cares, he might read it anyway!  He went in head first, maneuvered over a wooden divider, squeezed in through a very small opening, and pushed up the plywood that is under the mattress.  Voila!  He was in.  The dogs were ecstatic!  So was I, for the moment, because I was not feeling like doing what he just did.  So I turned the key from the outside and he fiddled around from the inside.  Nothing happened.  Something was still stuck in there and the door would not open.  Why oh why does this have to happen to us?  What on earth did we do to deserve this?? 

The bottom line is Bernie ended up crawling out again.  I said I would go in....praying that I could actually squeeze through that opening.  So he stayed out and I went in.  What a chore.  I was halfway through and just over the wooden divider when I started to laugh uncontrollably - well it was funny.  I said "What if I get stuck?" and Bernie says, "You stay there like Winnie the Pooh until you slim down."  And so I thought of that story and I thought of Nicholas and how he just loved the Winnie the Pooh stories.  Then I thought of my high school English teacher who said he liked my composition about something or other and that I wrote in the style of A.A. Milne.  Oh my goodness, the things that go through your head when you are in a sticky (or is it a "stucky") situation.  So I just imagined that I was Twiggy and I got through.  Duke and Sarge were happy to see me too and they wanted to play.  I mean, what did they know?  So then Bernie fiddles around for a while outside and I can hear that one of the neighbours came by to say, "Can't get in hey?" Wow, that was deep.  Anyhow, Bernie came back in and the dogs thought, "Finally we are one big happy family."  I was just praying that they didn't have to pee because I sure as heck wasn't going to take them outside the same way I got in!!

I located the tool box and Bernie found the right screwdriver and proceeded to take everything apart.  We were very careful to put all the screws and various parts of the lock in a container for future reference.  Only one screw fell on the floor and I am sure it was my fault...... may as well take the blame because tempers were kind of short at the time.  It must have taken half an hour at the least and finally, finally we got the door open.  What a procedure.  We used screwdrivers, tweezers, scissors and patience (?) and it worked!  I thanked Bernie for at least knowing what to do and I proceeded to put things back in the storage area.  He sat down for a minute to collect his thoughts which led to having a cold drink which is what we should have done before we started all the screwdriver, etc. business.  He put things together as best he could after supper.  We have one lock that works and the other one can just go hang itself until we get to an RV place.  We will probably just get a new door handle thing a ma jig.  I think it should just be a regular door knob with a dead bolt - way easier if you ask me.  Everything in a trailer is kind of generic and cheap if you ask me.  Some of the stuff that is in here you don't dare lean on and you have to be careful since it is so light and frail that it could break at a moments notice. 

So that was our adventure for the day, as if we needed one.  I kind of wanted to go away on holidays to get away from all the drama and here we are having a little comedy/drama sitcom right in our campsite in Golden, B.C.  Brother!

Bernie had a well deserved nap and I organized things under the trailer - again!  I waved a howdy do wave to the neighbours and said, "Well that was an adventure!"  They told me that they were glad we solved the problem and that they were rooting for us the whole way!  Woo Hoo. 

I had taken chicken out of the freezer to barbecue for supper so I got that ready.  We ate late but then we tend to do that when we are on holiday.  who cares what time you eat?  You eat when you get hungry, right??  When we camped with the kids we always ate regular meals since I wanted to make sure everything was kind of normal.  I am not sure why I did that but it didn't seem to hurt them.  They were more put out by the fact that they had to change their underwear every day, brush their teeth and wash - just like at home!

We had a normal evening, took the dogs for a walk after we ate and then packed up most things like the outside mat, the barbecue and the chairs.

What a day.  My hip and leg hurt like the dickens and especially after crawling around underneath the trailer.  Boy camping is fun!

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