Blog Archive

Friday, July 12, 2013

Travelling Day

Today was a travelling day. Now we are in Revelstoke at a KOA. I of course cannot do any driving and Bernie's back was bothering him the whole trip. I told him before that he should buy one of those cushions for a car seat that have lumbar support.  This hasn't happened yet. He put a pillow behind his back for this trip. Cheaper than the alternative I suppose.

We had such a nice time yesterday in downtown Penticton and I am glad we did. Today was a total bust for me with my back causing my leg to hurt like the dickens. Really bad now but I just took my drugs so hopefully they will kick in soon.

We packed up the outside things last night so there wouldn't be that much to do in the morning.  I helped as much as I could. We folded up the outside mat together.  It reminded me of when we were first married and we had to go to a laundromat. We would fold the sheets together. So romantic spending quality time  at the local laundromat. I mentioned that  to Bernie and he said, "yeah and forty years later you still can't get it right!"  He thinks his method is the best, no arguing with him, why bother.  Yes forty years, I was kind of surprised he got it right since he usually says 30 or 35.  Maybe it was because I reminded him the other day.

So now I am using the touch  screen on my IPad to write this. We do not have WiFi available in the campground, just by the office.  If it is a nice day tomorrow I will take my laptop there and finish this up.

We watched the Rider game after we got settled here.  "Green is the colour, football is the game, We're here together and winning is our aim!  So cheer us on through the wind and rain, Saskatchewan Roughriders is our name!"

Tomorrow I will talk about our neighbours from Switzerland .

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