Blog Archive

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Just catching up before we move on

Today, July 10th - wow, I forgot if it was Wednesday, or Thursday or what day!

Yesterday was a do nothing day.  I was suffering a bit more than I usually do and the pain kept me in my chair outside for most of the day.  Man I wish it would just go away.  Honestly, I take drugs but I think I need to pray more or something because it was just brutal.  Today I was a lot better and we did a lot more!

It was also very, very hot yesterday and today so that was a good excuse to do nothing, at least nothing too strenuous.

The dogs woke me up yesterday very early in the morning and I stumbled around and found their leashes and took them outside.  It was so nice that I decided to stay up anyway.  I have my little "office" outside.
Now who could ask for anything more!  By the way that is a can of lemonade in that little Canadian beer cooler holder thing.  Thanks to a good friend for giving that holder to me.  This picture was taken in the morning and honestly I know it is five o'clock somewhere but not for me!!
Yes I love technology and I love my IPad and my computer and my IPhone5 and my Kobo e-reader.  I believe we should keep up with the times and by golly I do.  We have cable t.v., WiFi, everything.  This campsite is awesome.  Park Royal RV Resort - mark that one down.  It is close to the river channel if you want to go floating down the channel on a raft or tube or whatever.  It is also close to a Tim Hortons, A&W, a Bakery, Husky Gas ($1.35 a litre, cheaper than Golden, B.C.), but a bit far if you want to walk to the beach.  There is not a swimming pool in this park, but oh well you can't have everything.
At 7:00 p.m. every day there is a guy who drives a little tractor/front end loader around pulling a trailer behind.  It is great fun for all the kids and some of their parents!

Every evening they have some fun!
Last evening it was very hot and they gave the kids water guns.  They had a grand old time spraying water on everybody!  I stood out there and let them get me soaking wet!!  They really thought they were getting away with something! 

Today we left the dogs in the air conditioned trailer and we drove downtown to Main Street to do a bit of shopping and browsing through the stores.  We parked at one end and just decided to walk up one side and down the other.  My back and leg felt pretty good so I said I was sure I could manage.  So away we went.  It was burning hot as well but who cares, that's what we came for!  We had a good time poking around the stores and looking for a few souvenirs to take home.  Our first stop was actually at the Visitor Info Centre.
In the Okanagan it is all about the wine!  We did taste some at the Visitor Centre, but we did not buy any.  We have never visited a winery either, but I guess we will do that another time.  So anyway, Main Street was interesting with a lot of shops and a lot of restaurants and places to sit outside.  We poked around, shopped a bit, bought a few things and then made our way back to the truck.  Our last stop was a bookstore and we were about two blocks away when I discovered that my sunglasses were not perched on top of my head, nor were they in any bags that we were carrying.  Oh great, I mean they were only expensive ones that I bought because they fit perfectly over my glasses.  So we decided to walk to the truck and then make our way back to the book store.  We did, and I went in there and the clerk had them at the counter.  I know she remembered me because when I bought a paper there (we don't buy books we just take names and write them down so we can get them on e-books) I put my change in a donation box.  By doing so I got a chance to enter in a draw for a basket full of books.  So I filled out the proper form with my name and address and phone number.  I told her if I won I would just instruct them to pick another name and that person could get the prize!  With my luck I will probably win!  I also bought a Lotto Max today because I was feeling very lucky for some reason.  Well then I discovered that it was Wednesday and the draw was Friday....not that it makes a difference, but I honestly thought it was Friday.  That is what holidays do to a person.....especially if that person is Bonnie!

We got back to the RV park and our key worked very nicely in the trailer door so there was no drama involving crawling underneath to get in.  The dogs were once again ecstatic to see us.  Bernie watched a Blue Jays game on t.v. and I announced that we were having hot dogs for supper and that they would be cooked in the microwave because .....well because that's the way it was going to be.  So we had microwaved wieners, beans, and fruit salad out of a can and it was just fine.  Then I decided it was cocktail hour and I moved my computer outside to my "office" and proceeded to catch up on any e-mails and/or messages that needed attending to.

I don't believe that just because I am on holiday that I should ignore my duties as a Town Councillor.  I know that it is not my "day job" so to speak, but I should check my e-mails now and then and attend to some of the things that need attending to.  So I have done that since we started our holiday.

More on being a Town Councillor in another blog.

The hour is late, almost midnight Pacific Time so I shall end this blog.  My I have fun doing this and I hope whoever reads this is entertained and wants to read more!
Tomorrow we leave this lovely place.  We are going to Revelstoke for a couple of days to a KOA nearby.  Bernie wants to visit a train museum there.  There is also a Rider game on in the late afternoon and we cannot miss would be a sin if we did!  There is cable t.v. there and WiFi if you are near the campground office.  So I guess if I want to set up my office I will have to get near the campground office.  Whatever.  We'll see what happens.

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