Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Dum ta dum dum DUMMMMMM! Election time in Coronation!

With election time looming and with a lot of speculation about who will get in and who won't, who knows anything and who knows nothing, I thought I would throw my views into the mix.

As a candidate I am doing it today because there was a little firestorm on Facebook last evening with comments even coming from people who don't even vote here anyway!  But, everyone has opinions including me and apparently my husband.  Yes, my retired husband has taken on a new venture called Crown News and he is having a great time.  First he learned how to build a website from scratch, and he's still learning.  He did that while I thought he should busy himself doing other things, but he managed to multi task so I am not criticizing him, just observing!

Of course he has made comments on the candidates, well most of them since I see there is more to come.  I guess he is spreading it out over time so people can read and absorb.  Not sure.  It is his online newspaper and he calls the shots.  To my knowledge there haven't been any direct comments made to him, only one Facebook comment by one local resident who, while appalled that he should even voice an editorial comment, was encouraging everyone to come out and vote. 

I encourage that as well, and I also encourage the voters to ask the questions that were posed.  Really, we should all know what or who convinced the candidates to run, what they want to accomplish during the next term of council, why they think they would be a suitable candidate and just a general answer to a common question about taxes and water bills.

Am I running again for Council?  Yes I am and some days I wonder why but I am.  I have been called names, I have lost friends (although I am not sure they were my friends to begin with), I have also gained friends.  I have had my voice mail and my phone tied up with irate citizens.  I have lost sleep, I have embarrassed myself, I have embarrassed others.  I have been accused of improprieties.  I have been down the road many times about a lot of things.  I have learned that sometimes the truth hurts; and if it is said it is said, no regrets on that one.  Anyone who becomes a Councillor, anyone who puts their name forward, had better be prepared for the comments, and sometimes the love just isn't there.  Oh well, oh well, that's life in the trenches.  I am not looking for sympathy because I didn't have to do it, no one twisted my arm.  I will be two years away from collecting my old age pension when the four years are up.  I feel that I still have some gas left in my tank so I will run again and let the voters decide based on my record.  I would like to thank those who have encouraged me.

I should also point out that Council meetings are open to the public and the minutes are an open book as well.  The minutes tell a story that would amaze and impress if anyone took the time to read them.  We have made many motions, discussed many a by-law, had umpteen discussions about a lot of things.  So just take the time and form your own conclusions about the past and present governance of this community.  I was proud to be on both Councils for the past six years.  I wasn't always proud to be a part of some of it:  some of the malice, the hidden agendas, the decisions made before I even got there, the wink and a handshake crowd.  No I wasn't proud of that at all, I refused to take part.  I fought the good fight and basically became a renegade which is frowned on in some circles.    I can say that this past three years has been refreshing because it all happened at the council table.  Discussion is good, everyone has a point of view, everyone sees things differently.  Some people are of the same mind, some are not.  Some will speak up, others are more reticent.  At the end of the day the decisions are made and we live with it. 

I also want to point out that the nomination papers are open to public scrutiny.  If you are a voter in Coronation just go in to the town office and have a look at them if you want to see another story.  They could perhaps tell you something about the dedication of some, the determination of others.  Prior to nomination day there was also some meddling by people who don't vote here and that I find very troubling and also very amusing.  So........if you think that the Town of Coronation should be governed by those who don't get a vote and who think they have a lot of influence, then so be it.  We also have the folks out there who will not let their name stand but do manage to get others to do their bidding.  Some also have some very strong, inaccurate and ugly opinions about some of us who collectively have more common sense, brain power and experience than they will ever have.  Those with the strong opinions also don't have the intestinal fortitude to voice anything in public; cowards in my opinion.

Having said that.  Good luck to all the candidates.  Congratulations and welcome to the world of politics.  To all of you, stay strong, stay true to yourself, don't be discouraged.  If you have your own reasons for running and you have the courage of your convictions you will be fine. I think we probably all want the same thing:  to serve our community.  If you want to comment on my performance or on my character, go right ahead I have nothing to hide - I am an open book and I try not to take myself too seriously.

Later on today I will give my reasons for running and why you should vote for me and what I can bring to the table.  I am also taking the opportunity to put my "Five Minute Speech" out there because I cannot make it to the Candidates Forum on October 15th.  Tomorrow, October 10th, is the advance poll for those who cannot make it to the October 21st election.

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