Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Brief Synopsis

I am sorry I cannot be present for the Candidate's Forum on October 15th.  We had planned a much anticipated vacation way back in January so we will be gone at that time.  I had planned it that way in order to be back just in case I wanted to run for Council.

As it turned out the Forum was planned for the 15th which did not jive with my plans.  Oh well.  The Advance Poll is tomorrow at the Lion's Rec. Centre from 12 noon to 6 p.m.  I would like your vote and here is why.

I have served on two consecutive Councils from 2007-2010 and 2010-2013. 
I have my six years of experience to draw on. 
These past three years on Council have seen a lot of accomplishments and I am proud to say that I have played a huge role in the following:

Physician Recruitment and Retention:  we successfully recruited one new physician and his family to this community and we are now in the process of another phase of recruitments.

Community Standards Bylaw/Bullying:  I was on the council committee that reviewed our Community Standards Bylaw and brought forward to Council a new and improved section on Bullying.  I believe this is what the community wants and needs.

New Town Office:  I am proud to have promoted and supported the creation of a new town office that was more cost effective and justifiable to the public than our previous one.  We had the Grand Opening on September 12, 2012 and I was present.  What a wonderful place we now have, modern, private, state of the art at about ten percent of what had previously been proposed.

I am also proud to say that we have a totally new office staff in place.  We have an excellent CAO who is well versed in municipal governance, a new Financial Officer who excels at her job and we have hired excellent front office staff to serve the public.  Thanks to these people we are confident that the public is being served in a professional and efficient manner.

I supported a motion by this council to move forward with the concept of a Wellness Centre for our community.  It is community driven and I do hope that it flourishes and comes to fruition in the near future.  Our current recreational facilities are getting to the end of their useful life and they will have to be replaced.  Our Wellness Centre Society is working hard to make that dream a reality.

I fully support all of our volunteer organizations in town.  We have a lot to be proud of:  Communities in Bloom, Minor Sports, Community Centre (hall), Library, Choosewell, Chamber of Commerce, just to name a few.  Keep up the good work, you have my support.

We moved the Coronation and District Support Services (CDSS) Office to the site of the former town office in the Coronation Mall.  Our Community Liaison, Diane Schmidt, now has more room for her office which serves a large and varied sector of our community.

We negotiated a new and more equitable Fire Agreement with the County.  I was in on these talks that saw the communities of Coronation, Castor and Halkirk get together and come up with a plan to present to the County.  Thanks to solid leadership on our Council we brought everyone together and came up with a good agreement which will protect the people in this community.

We have attracted new businesses to town, in particular Techmation's Regional Office.  We conducted phase one and two environmental studies to make it possible to have the surveying done for a light industrial subdivision south of Railway Avenue.  I am in full support of this and proud to be a part of the decision making.

We have improved our methods of communication and a Town Newsletter was implemented as well as a new and improved web site and Facebook page.  We are trying to move with the times and social media plays a huge part.

I took part in the strategic planning for our Community in April 2013.  I, along with all of the other members of council, gave up a Friday evening and a whole day on Saturday to take part in this exercise.  I believe we have a strong document which will now be implemented by administration.

The Coronation Transfer Site finally became a reality.  Thanks to good planning we are now proud to say that this Transfer Site has provided recycling opportunities for Coronation.

I have sat on just about every board and committee there is to sit on and I bring a lot of experience to the table.

I would appreciate your vote and your confidence in me to sit as a Councillor.  Thanks for your vote!

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