Sunday, January 3, 2010

We went to a San Diego Chargers game today. The Washington Red Skins were in town for the game. There were a few Washington fans there but it was mostly blue. It was quite an experience attending an NFL game what with the tail gate parties in the parking lot and the exuberant fans. We had seats on the fifty yard line, field level, five rows up. They were right behind the home team, nice but the view was obstructed......We basically stood for the entire game which was an experience in itself. Everybody stands, all the time no matter where they sit.

For twenty bucks we rode a MTS (Metro Transit System) bus that left from the Chula Vista High School, not far from here, and took us right to Qualcomm Stadium. We were glad that we found that bus because we didn't have to drive and we didn't have to take the trolley which would have meant transferring. It is probably easy but when you don't know where you're going nothing is easy!

It was 23 C when we left for the game and it stayed hot and sunny throughout the afternoon.

This was a nothing game for the Chargers because they are already in the playoffs but I really thought the fans deserved a lot better than they got. The second stringers played the last three quarters of the game and just about lost it to boot. We didn't see the end because we were nervous about getting out of there in time to get on the bus (the place holds about ninety thousand people), so we left with about three minutes left in the game and the Chargers were down by four points. They ended up scoring a touchdown to give them the win with 39 seconds left. That was nice for the fans but it still sucked that they didn't get to see the best players play the game.

Duke was a good boy and stayed "home" in the trailer for the day. We left the blinds open a bit on the window by the table so he could perch on the bench seat and look out if he wanted to. I think that is where he chose to stay and sleep and keep guard because the pillow I left there for him was very warm to the touch when we got home!! He is getting used to his surroundings and I am glad because there is nothing worse than a nervous dog. Well......I guess a nervous Bonnie is pretty bad too. lol

We are trying to decide where to spend the remainder of our time away from home. I kind of like it here in southern California mainly because the weather is so nice. Bernie is getting restless and wants to see different things and go different places. We will decide before Jan. 7th since we are paid up at this campground until then.

So that was our day today. Bernie is happy because he finally got to see a NFL game in person. He loves his football. I'm happy that we went but it is not something I could really get into. I like my CFL and my Riders and that is about as far as I go.

Tomorrow and in the next couple of days we will go to Balboa Park to use our pass to see all the sights there.

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