Wednesday, January 6, 2010

We are moving to Campland on the Bay tomorrow. On Monday we went to check it out and then reserved for a month. It is cheaper than this place and hopefully not as noisy.

We are right beside the freeway and there is constant noise. Then there is noise in the campground what with the maintenance workers blowing leaves, cutting grass and putting the finishing touches on the playground. My ears can't take anymore!!

I am looking forward to a different view even though this place is nice and we have grass and trees right beside us. It will be that way there too and hopefully we won't be as shaded because it does get cool. I guess you can't have it all and at least it is not thirty below.

We decided to stay in San Diego because it is warm here. This is really the only place besides southern Arizona, which is experiencing warm temperatures. The rest of the country has had cold, snow, storms and rain. So we are congratulating ourselves on choosing the right place at the right time.

I am struggling a little bit with the size of our trailer. When we bought it we had a smaller truck and so that was a big consideration. Now that we have a bigger truck we could pull a heavier trailer. We bump into one another a lot and some days it drives me nuts with the stuff laying around (just like at home). Bernie was laughing at me the other day when I cleared a path on the table. He was wondering when I would "break". He likes his stuff all around him and he likes lots of stuff. I could live without much and it wouldn't bother me, but not him. I just go outside when I can't take being cooped up or when I can't look at the clutter one more minute.

The one good thing is that it doesn't take long to clean the place up. Not that I am obsessive about cleanliness but I do like things to be clean, neat and tidy most of the time.

We bought a few things for the trailer yesterday and today we got some supplies like water and beer. Bernie dropped the case of beer right beside the truck. One can rolled out and the lady who parked beside us ran over it. It was 17 for us and 1 for the parking lot.

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