Saturday, January 9, 2010

We had a visit from the Park Ranger today just to check out our site and make sure we had everything hooked up properly. We had to get another connector for our sewer hose because they want to make sure it is screwed on tightly to the sewer thing in the ground. We don't like to leave it hooked up all the time anyway, but it is a requirement. Whatever, sewer is sewer - inevitable.

We had to be at Campground School at ten o'clock - early for us. There were eleven others there besides ourselves. There were about 20 rules and we had to check each off as the Campground Ranger went through things. It took about half an hour and then it was done. I thought we were supposed to go this afternoon but Bernie wanted to go in the morning because there is a football game on that he wants to watch.

During "question period" I asked about the cats that wander at will throughout the campground. The lady living behind us told me she feeds the feral cats. That gave me a nice warm feeling. So I asked about the cats and if they were feral cats. I guess some are and some aren't - that was the answer. They make sure that the feral cats are neutered and free of disease and that's about it, they just go wherever they want. Yesterday one tried to get in the trailer and I gave it the boot. The ducks wander around all over the place too and we had to clean up duck poop from our outside rug this morning. I guess that's roughing it. ha ha

The guy next door has a huge dog, friendly, but huge. Every time Duke goes outside he drools all over the place. I think the big dog makes him nervous. He is slowly getting used to this new place, but I think he misses Chula Vista. He'll get over it.

When we were at Chula Vista we would walk from the campground to the nearest strip mall; or we would go on a longer walk between freeways along bike and walking paths. There were always homeless people strolling along the way. They sleep under the freeway. I am kind of glad not to have to navigate around them anymore when we go for a walk. Now we have to dodge ducks and cats.

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