Friday, July 26, 2013

Update on Nonni's big heart and High River

As promised, an update from Nonni Anderson.
In a previous blog I had shared what Nonni had written about collecting grad dresses and accessories to send to High River.  Nonni and her family and friends spent a day in High River just trying to help out as best they could. Then she came home and decided, after speaking to the folks there, that what people could really use as they were trying to get back to normal were gift cards.  She also collected some other essential items as well from the folks in Coronation.  Here is her story:
Trip to High River:  This was definitely a trip of caring and compassion. The families that I met were happy & grateful and most of all thrilled to hear of the efforts and donations made by our small community. To the family with 6 children cooped up inside because of contaminated ground outside the movie pass was a dream day out for all. To the senior who's favorite meal anytime is a sub he was in his car and on his way to Subway before I got 2 doors down. To the church who have opened their doors to all denominations the cans of coffee were a welcome addition to their dwindling supply. The clothing was a little boys dream come true. Laundry soap (3 in 1 combo ) was like powdered gold, less products to carry around while hauling amazing amounts of dirty clothes. To the family who arrived in Alberta 2 months ago with everything they owned and lost it all Canadian Tire is where they will go to get something on their most needed list. Multiple families with extra travel costs to and from work to temp housing to their homes for clean up and repair the gas cards are a big bonus. Chapters will be well used by a 10 year old girl whose closes seemed unimportant but the loss of her books were devastating. The Stavely Elks had been set up for 16 days barbecuing and feeding all that came by. A gentleman named Bill from Canmore was loading his van with pans of food and driving out to farther areas to deliver to volunteers and home owners. He very graciously allowed me to follow and find areas and homes that I had not been to yet. Visa and Mastercards were a welcome gift to so many who's needs were changing daily. Coffee machines were a coveted gift for those that had not replaced theirs because these are items that will fall low on their list of must haves. The Keurig machine found its way to a group of friends and families that will share it with their community as they continue to put their lives back to some semblance of order and then on to their community seniors centre for all to enjoy for a long time. Finally as my journey was coming to a close I came across a home being gutted by a group that had stopped for a break and I was drawn to this home. When I asked to meet the owner a lady with a welcoming smile introduced herself as Sally. Her work crew were friends from Canmore, Red Deer, Edmonton, Lethbridge and around Alberta. The last UFA Gift card belonged at this home. She took my hand and we walked down the street together. We cried together and her blessings were for Coronation. When I said my final goodbyes she drew me aside and her final question to me was, "If I find someone more in need than myself may I pass this gift on to them.?"  This last gift belonged at this home.
So from me to all those that helped me take a part of Coronation to High River
Well, I say THANK YOU Nonni for your compassion and grace.  I talked to you a day or two after you came home from this journey and I could tell how emotionally connected you were as I listened to some of your stories.  You have touched the hearts of all the people in High River and you have reminded us here in Coronation of how fortunate we are to live where we live. 

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