Sunday, July 21, 2013

Our Gnome did not come home :(

This is a picture of where our lovely Welcome Gnome used to sit proudly in front of our house.

That is why I wish I had taken a picture before it was stolen!  We miss it and now we look outside every day to make sure everything is where it is supposed to be.
I also took some pictures of our yard.  As anyone knows it is hard work maintaining a yard, especially after the amount of rainfall we had and especially if there is a lot of grass to cut.  I look at our property as "sections" of yard.  There is the front yard which faces south, the side yard which is on the east side, the back yard which is to the north, and the other side yard which faces west.  Here is a picture of some of it.
This is part of the "side" yard to the east and you can see part of our deck in the back ground.  I love that little gate.  If the dogs are in the back yard and we are in the front they poke their little noses through the holes!  Note the flags on the deck - the green one is flying proud today because we will be watching the Riders play the Tiger Cats at 3:30 this afternoon July 20th.

So just some assorted pictures.  The one in the middle is part of the back garden.  We had a strong west wind and it blew our hens and chicks sideways!  The one above that is the flower bed in the "side" yard to the east.  The flower bed is built on top of what used to be a crypt.  Our home was once a funeral home believe it or not.  We are very comfortable in it and if there are spirits they are friendly ones.  We have more problems with the living spirits!  The bottom picture is taken facing east towards our neighbor's house which you can't see because of all the trees.  We have the best neighbor in the world.  He is busy all day long picking dandelions and weeds from the boulevard.  In the winter he keeps the sidewalks clean.  He keeps an eye on our house even though we don't put him to the bother of doing so.  Who could ask for a better neighbor??  Thank you Joe.

We are still upset over that Gnome, but I guess we'll get over it.  Some travel all over the place and maybe whoever took it decided to send it travelling.  Who knows. 
Recently we have been the subject of a Facebook slam and public taunts directed towards the west part of our yard.  That, my dear friends, is a work in progress.  You do not know the history of it and you do not have a clue when you criticize so I would suggest that you just butt out of our business.  I don't recall when we purchased our home (and we own it free and clear) that it was a requirement to inform the townsfolk of every little project or renovation we had going on in our yard.  Wow, did I say that??  Yes I guess I did and I mean it.  It has been very upsetting this past little while for both Bernie and I.  The gall of people is absolutely amazing - and I don't mean that in a kind way.  That is what I meant in a previous comment about the living spirits.

For this blog just suffice it to say that I will have a lot more to say.
So for this point in time, have a great day everyone, enjoy the summer day wherever you are, watch football, phone a friend, visit a loved one, go shopping, do whatever you want as long as you are doing it without bothering me!!
Go Riders!!

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