Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I wish I had taken a picture just for the memory

Well today is July 16th and we are home safe and sound from our holiday.  It was a lovely time even if I was all crippled up.  I kept in touch very nicely with my friends and family and blogged all the while I was away.

We stayed two nights in Revelstoke. On the 12th we went to the Train Museum in Revelstoke.  Bernie thought it was somewhere else, meaning somewhere east of Revelstoke.  He was sure he saw a sign saying that it was so we set out to look for that sign or billboard.  Well, he was mistaken so we went to the town and found the museum.  It was great!  I really enjoyed it and bought a couple of books about the history of the rail.  I would highly recommend a visit to this museum if you are at all interested in trains.

We returned back to the campground and to our campsite #38.  We did not lock ourselves out and the turning of the key was uneventful!  The dogs were happy to see us but little Sarge was limping around.  The day before when we were setting up he got in the way and when Bernie stepped back he accidentally stepped on his little paw.  More on that later.

So this was our last night of holidays and we tried to get to bed earlier than usual because we had to set out very early.  We were due to attend a 6:00 p.m. dinner in Coronation sponsored by the Coronation Physician Recruitment and Retention Committee.  I am on the Committee on behalf of the town of Coronation.  We were hosting a site visit for a Dr. from South Africa who was also on a tour of two other hospitals in Alberta.  I had been in on the interview with her so I was anxious to meet her and her partner. 

We set out, without incident at 6:30 Pacific Time and when the time changed I knew we would be an hour behind and kind of in a hurry.  It is a long, long drive and Bernie was a real trooper.  We stopped at a turn out called "Taylor" in order for me to go to the bathroom - thank you Taylor for having a place to drive in and out with a truck and trailer, it was a desperate moment for me.  We stopped for gas in Canmore and waited forever for the truck to fill up.  By the time we got to Cochrane Bernie said that maybe we would not make it in time.  I told him that it was all right I would just text somebody if it was not possible.

We (he) drove on and on and we finally got home about 5 o'clock, not bad.  We were just going to park in front on the street but parking was limited.  So Bernie ended up parking in the usual spot.  It was and is always interesting for me because I never know if I should yell, gesture wildly or just shut up and let him back in.  More on that later as well. 

I ran in the house and texted that we would probably not get there until 6:30 and then I ran (run?  who am I kidding - limped) out to the trailer while Bernie was blocking it, etc. to get a few things.  I jumped in the shower, found something to wear, pulled a shirt out of the closet for Bernie and ironed his shorts because he wanted to wear them and they were CREASED UP, really bad.  Things were flying all over the place!  We made it to the dinner at 6:30 and they were just starting to stand in line to eat!  Not bad, Danylyshens are usually not late so I was proud to say we got there at 6:30!

More on the doctor thing later.

We were tired right out on Sunday, but I got up early because my sister and her husband were coming here later on for an overnight stay.  They live in Saskatoon and had been vacationing in Calgary with their daughter and one of my favorite nieces Susan and the kids William and Sarah!  I thought I should make the place presentable and it takes me forever since I don't move very fast.

We noticed on Saturday that some solar lights we had put out front had been strung out on the grass and on Sunday it finally dawned on us that our gnome was missing.  The Choosewell Committee had purchased this gnome with a Welcome sign for Bernie in appreciation of all his work with that Committee.  We put it right beside the front step.  Well, it was gone. 

Well, I can't tell you how it makes me feel.  In light of the fact that there are certain people in town who think our yard is the scourge of the neighbourhood; I am kind of surprised that someone would even enter the front yard to take our lovely gnome.  Would it not make sense to stay away from us seeing as how we have such a disgraceful yard????  Makes no sense to me.  All I know for sure is that there is no cure for stupid, and whoever did this that is what you are.  Guess what?  I can say this, it is my blog and you probably aren't even reading it. 

As for the gnome..........I wish that I had taken a picture just for the memory.

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