Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day One, let the pain begin

I considered starting a brand new page and calling it "Jog Blog".  I have since reconsidered after this morning's performance since I do not want to draw too much attention to my physicality.  Yes this morning was "Day One" of the "program"; or at least it is a twelve week program that was e-mailed to me by one of my partners in crime.  Some of us have undertaken a local challenge to run a half marathon in August and that would be twelve weeks from now.  
I awoke at five thirty (that would be in the a.m.), did the usual stuff one does upon getting out of bed, and sipped my morning coffee while sorting through my e-mails and checking everybody's status on Facebook.  Once dressed for the outdoors I actually looked outside to discover that it was windy, cool and trying to rain.  Oh well, I have clothes for that and what would it matter anyway since I knew I would be all hot and sweaty after my three kilometre "run".  My little dog wanted to come with me but I left him at the door and away I went.
I started off at a not so brisk walk because my bunions hurt even in my brand new Asics.  I decided to ignore the pain because my feet hurt all the time and it doesn't get me anywhere to complain and give in to the agony.  Away I went picking up my pace a bit as I covered two blocks walking.  I ran the next two blocks, almost and then decided to turn left up Royal Street and head to the dam and back - surely that would be far enough.  The wind was coming from the north west and the rain had turned to mist; what a lovely day.  I checked my watch and set it for one minute and thirty second intervals with a thirty second walk in between.  I was sure I could handle that.  No more excuses now since I readjusted my hood, checked my shoe laces, and glanced at my watch.........let the run begin.  
So far so good I puffed along cursing the day that I ever agreed to do this; my morning coffee sloshing around my stomach and the mud flying behind me........(must remember to ask why we can't pave that road, probably no money, yes I'm sure that's why...)  I was starting to wheeze and I checked out my watch......59 seconds to go????  Good grief, I am so out of shape, I can't believe my boot camp fitness level was shot all to hell in such a short time.  Past the condos and out on the open road, into a stiff wind, my glasses covered in fog and mist; I re-checked my watch......58 seconds.......Oh wait!  I made a BIG mistake and set it for 59 minutes and thirty seconds......what a joke.......I slowed down to a walk, relieved that I was just stupid and not as out of shape as I thought I was!
I turned the interval stuff off on my watch and just ran and walked the rest of the way up and all the way home. I am not sure how far it was, I will check later.  I know that I started off at 6:15 and was home half an hour later, that's all I cared about.
Once in the door, the shoes came off, I peeled off my sweaty running gear, dripping with sweat I reached for my ratty old housecoat to discover the little dog all curled up on top of it.......well at least it was warm when I put it on!!
Now I am having a cup of  Jamaica Me Crazy coffee and not really enjoying it that much.  Should have just had a shot of rum in the usual blend.

Tomorrow is another day and I will keep you posted.

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