Blog Archive

Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are in day four of the Western Wallop. That is what the Weather Network has been calling this very nasty weather system that has struck Southern California. Apparently it is caused by El Nino.........the warmer than average water temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, way west of here, are causing low pressure areas that are driven by an extremely fast jet stream. This extreme weather is bringing high winds and torrential rains. As you can tell I have been listening to the weather man!!

On Monday the rains started and we had some terrific winds. We are sheltered in our campsite by the monolithic motorhomes and fifth wheels. Our little unit is in no danger! We sat here and watched the storm roll in and just as the winds picked up we decided we had better roll the canopy in to safety. There was a lot of commotion at the neighbour's site since he wasn't there and some other people decided they should take matters in their own hands and take his canopy down and put things away. He arrived just as they were starting their mission so then he just took over.

Speaking of the neighbour......he is a very interesting guy who likes to talk loud enough so that everyone can hear his conversations whether we want to or not. It has provided us with lots of entertainment so I am not really complaining. The day that we got here, two weeks ago today, he introduced himself and apologized profusely due to the fact that his daughter's car was parked partially in our site. Then for the rest of the weekend he was preoccupied with the girlfriend who came to visit along with her dog.

After the weekend we listened to his phone conversations with the girlfriend. Apparently she puts the dog before him and he just can't go on like that anymore. It took three days but he finally broke up with her - on the phone!! Well, that is our take on it because we just heard one side of the conversation. It was better than t.v.

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