Thursday, December 18, 2014

From cactus to Christmas in less than 8 weeks

I finally cleaned up my laptop and rid it of all the Malware, Adware, Spyware and viruses it picked up in the United States of America.  What a relief to not have all the weirdness happening anymore.  We purchased a program called "Fix Me Stick" and it fixed it all right.  It is a USB stick for the computer and it takes several hours to scan everything and destroy all the bad bugs.  I am impressed and I would highly recommend it to anyone having problems with their computer in regards to unwanted "crap" suddenly appearing and interfering with performance and usage. 

We left sunny Arizona for home on October 30th.  We could have left on the 31st but I wanted to be home by Saturday since I had things to do the next week and did not want to be too tuckered out from travelling.  Our first destination was Cedar City, Utah and we arrived there in the dark as per usual.  Of course it was burning hot when we left and still warm in Utah.  I knew what was coming and I was not a happy camper.  We stayed at the same hotel - America's Best Value Inn - as last time but this time around we were on the second floor and the room wasn't as nice.  I booked it through AMA and at least I didn't have to stand at the desk and wait to see if we did indeed have a reservation.  We loaded the dogs up in the car and they stayed in the parking lot while we went to Denny's for supper.  I was starving, as usual, and I had a chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, white gravy and vegetables - a real USA heart attack on the plate meal and I didn't care.  Bernie did all the driving this day and he was weary.

The next morning we were up with the sun, actually before sunrise, and we were on our way to Helena.  The drive was just as long this day as it was a month before!  I booked a room at the Quality Inn by the airport, just off I-15.  I ended up doing most of the driving.  We made a few pit stops along the way, mainly so I could eat.  It was about 40 degrees F. when we finally got to Helena, in the dark, and after missing one turn we took a few extra minutes to get turned around and arrived at the Quality Inn.  It was okay and the people were friendly and accommodating.  They gave us a room on the main floor close to the back entrance so it was easy to get the dogs in and out.  I hate to complain but the room smelled of cat litter and the fragrance was covered up with a floral deodorizer which assaulted my nose.  Oh well.  We survived.  We ordered a pizza and it arrived in about 20 minutes which was a surprise since they said it would take over an hour!  Bernie must have sounded hungry when he ordered.  I ate, took the dogs out and went to bed.  I was pooped from all the driving.  This day took 11-12 hours to complete.

November 1st and we were on the road for one more day.  Bernie started off driving and he started yawning after he got us through the first little leg.  He pulled over and I continued on.  We drove and drove and drove.  It didn't take too long at the border and we drove and drove some more until we finally got home in the late afternoon.  The weather held and we had no snow in the mountains or at home.  Everything looked to be just the way we left it.  The stupid spider plants survived a whole month without water (I am not fond of them but they are the only thing besides the Money Tree, that survives with neglect).  Just want to say thanks to the folks who looked out for our yard, etc. while we were gone.  It did survive Hallowe'en in our absence although we did discover that some miscreants had smashed eggs into the fence and privacy slats on the west side.  Thanks for that you little assholes whoever you are.  (And I can say assholes since this is my blog, you don't like it, don't read it.  If you read it, pass it along - maybe a guilty party will get the message.)  It doesn't seem to make a difference whether we are home or not and I am glad we thought ahead and took our truck to a different location in our absence.

The next day, it snowed!  Wow.  Am I ever glad we decided to leave a day early. 

So life goes on after a lovely little break in the heat of Arizona.  Would we go back?  Probably, although not to a condo since it is not great for the dogs who do bark once in a while.  Little Sarge reacts to every little sound; Duke is a more laid back in the barking department.  Also, I don't want to have to put up with all the "neighbourly" noises, seeing as how I am paying top dollar for a rental accommodation.  Having said that, I would rent again but a house would be nicer and more private.  The place was okay, even though the drain under the bathroom sink leaked water all over the place and the dishwasher backed up into the kitchen sink.  We never did plug that electric grill back into the first receptacle we used because we did not want to blow the circuit again.  Instead we continued to use the receptacle in the water heater closet off of the patio area.  It was kind of a pain in the neck but I didn't have anything better to do anyway.  The owner had insinuated that the reason the microwave quit in the first place was because we were using that plug in, but I highly doubt it.  Besides, Nicholas is an electrician and he saw nothing wrong with our plug in arrangements. 

We would contemplate pulling our trailer down there but I would like to stay for more than a month if we did that.  I am not sure how that would work seeing as how I still have a job to go to!  Taking a month for a holiday was a splendid idea and I would highly recommend that to anyone else who is going away somewhere far away.  I could see staying for two maybe three months, leaving at the end of January and coming home in April.  We'll see.  There are still bills to be paid at home so that would be a challenge as well.

We were home for two weeks and getting back into the swing of things when we finally got our security deposit money back from the owner of the condo.  Imagine our surprise when we opened the envelope to find that they held back $350.00 for some alleged damage to their tile floors.  I couldn't believe it!  We still are not sure what we did, or if we even did it.  No description of the damage was forthcoming except to say that their cleaner couldn't get some black marks off the floor and the tile was scratched somewhere.  She also said that the clothes dryer wasn't working and if we had known about that we should have told her.  Well.....the dryer was working fine when we left, I swept and cleaned up three or four times while we were there and did not notice any scratches or marks on the floor anywhere.  There were marks on the floor left from those rubbery things you put under rugs so they don't slip but that certainly wasn't caused by anything we did, and as for black marks I have no clue what that is all about.  Bernie penned a letter back and said that we were inconvenienced by a malfunctioning microwave and he also helped her husband carry out the old one and install the new one - no charge.  The drain under the bathroom sink was not properly installed and it leaked water all over the place probably damaging the cabinet.  There was "Easter" candy under the bed along with various assorted wrappers and dirt; when we pulled the sofa bed out there were hair balls and dust balls to deal with; the sink fixtures in the bathroom were extremely loose, the towel holder fell right off the wall, the washing machine drained into the dishwasher (??  I know, that one had me swearing.....two days to go and I was bailing water.)  We didn't say anything because we already had the microwave incident and the replacement and visit from the owner cut into our holiday time.  I wasn't about to sit around and be inconvenienced by poor plumbing, inefficient electrical connections, flat tires on bicycles and dirt.  To say we were ticked off would be an understatement.

I had written a review for the website prior to this but I had it taken down because I was too kind.  I waited a while and posted a review just the other day which was more to the point.  I received word today that it was posted on the VRBO website so I checked it out.  Ha ha.  The owner is now pissed and wrote a nasty little note underneath it.  Well, I would say it was kind of passive aggressive in nature.  Poor reviews are not generally well received.  I find it amusing that the owner relies on their paying customers to check out their property and I also find it amusing that there are not a lot of reviews and only the glowing ones were on there to date.  It is possible that previous renters had nothing to say because they had nothing good to say.  I wasn't all negative since it wasn't THAT bad and we did enjoy ourselves and were quite comfortable for the most part.  I looked upon it as constructive criticism.  Check it out if you want: 

And so it goes.  We are very bewildered by the whole thing; but que sera sera.  I doubt we will be on their Christmas card list!

Speaking of Christmas:  I am hoping to get a nice little Christmas letter on this blog before the 25th and if I don't it will be a New Year's greeting.


Monday, October 27, 2014

End of the road

Yes today is the last Monday in October and it is the end of the road for us as our holiday winds down. I am not looking forward to the long drive home but at least we know the way!

I am doing some chores this morning, drinking coffee and just looking forward to three more carefree days in the sun.

Speaking of coffee.....I will do some complaining here.  I miss my Keurig!  Honestly I wish we had bought a single serve machine to bring with us.  A couple summers ago we bought another machine to use in the trailer but it would be too big to lug around in the trunk of the car with all the other stuff we brought. I have yet to make a decent pot of coffee and I can hardly wait to set my taste buds loose on a good cup of single serve coffee!  Okay I'm done.

We went to Mesa Swap Meet and Marketplace on Friday of last week. I had heard about this place and I convinced Bernie we should check it out. We dropped the dogs off at Gilbert Dogs for the day and headed out. Wow.  It was crazy and interesting. There must have been a thousand or more vendors and live entertainment. We walked and walked and walked and got mixed up and turned around as well. We purchased a hand painted pot, had lunch and left (after we walked about a mile trying to find the right exit!).  It was very hot and we were not going to wander around a 100 degree plus parking lot so we stayed under cover and finally found our way out.

There was a mall right next to the market so we drove around there for a while. It is kind of hard to get used to the difference in the malls here and at home. Here they are a whole bunch of stores and restaurants that stand alone as opposed to being connected like they are at home. Thus, you pretty much have to drive from store to store.....if you can even find what you want.  We did manage to find a Target and a Sports Authority.  I wanted to find an NFL approved plastic tote bag to take to the game on Sunday. They didn't have any in stock.

We picked the dogs up and headed back to the condo in time for me to watch Dr. Phil.

Saturday morning we decided to take a drive out to Apache Junction and go on the Apache Trail at least as far as Tortilla Flats. It turned out to be a really great and relaxing day.  The road is windy and narrow up to Tortilla Flats but no different than driving in the mountains at home.  The scenery was fabulous.

I am having all sorts of problems with iCloud and photo sharing and such.  I am happy to say that at least I was able to share some of the photos we took with our iPhones and this is one of them.  This is a photo of Canyon Lake and it shows mountains and desert as well as water.....the whole meal deal.  

When I get home I will get this laptop under control and see if my photo sharing improves.  I have only myself to blame as far as the "real" camera goes since I left the photo card in the computer and grabbed the camera to take.....This camera must have a built in memory since I took at least 20 pictures before it said the card was full.  Laugh out loud.  Now to figure out how to get the pictures off of the built in memory.  Oh sometimes I long for the good old days of film, developing pictures and simplicity.  Sometimes the digital age hurts my brain.

We had a completely relaxing day driving up the side of a mountain and down again.  Well at least it was relaxing for me since we weren't battling freeways and traffic and impatient drivers.  

The Apache Trail is America's oldest highway.  The portion up to Tortilla Flats is paved and after that it is just a dirt road which winds all the way up to the Roosevelt Dam.  We chose not to do the unpaved part and I am glad, more glad for Bernie because it isn't much fun and you don't see much of anything except the road ahead.  It was a very hot day, I think the temp. got up to 96 degrees F.  We took the dogs out for walks along the way but it was too hot for them and I think they were happy to be in the air conditioned car.  They drank more water than I did and we had ice cream, they didn't.

Sunday we were up bright and early since we had to get the dogs to daycare and then go to Glendale to an NFL game.  I had packed my plastic zip lock bag the night before.....oh brother.  The Arizona Cardinals were playing the Philadelphia Eagles and game time was 1:00 p.m.  We made our way there without much trouble and got parked about a mile away in the "brown" lot which is by a High School.  Then we walked clear across the parking lot to the shuttle buses which shuttle people from the lots to the stadium.  We managed to do that just fine and take in the sights of the tail gate parties as well.  We had to go through security before we could get on the bus.  They were checking to make sure we didn't have anything other than purses, no totes, no nothing that isn't NFL approved.

We got to the University of Phoenix Stadium which is home to the Arizona Cardinals in plenty of time.  There were all kinds of food trucks set up so we had a burger before going into the stadium.  Of course before entry the security people check you over.  Bernie empties his pockets and of course he has his Red Man tobacco with him.....oops......not allowed in - NFL rules you know.  So.......we didn't go in just yet and he put a load of tobacco in his cheek and ditched the package before we went through again.  This time we got through and I gave him another plastic bag to put his excess chew tobacco in before he choked on it and overdosed from too much nicotine.  Honestly I didn't feel too sorry for him, but a habit is a habit.  I am amused.

We sat waaaaaay up high and it took two escalators to get us to our seats.  The game was fine, in fact it was exciting.  Philadelphia was ahead 20-17 and with one minute left in the game Arizona scored a touchdown to go ahead.  They ended up winning the game so that was a real crowd pleaser.  There were a whole load of Philadelphia fans behind us and they were sure whooping it up - reminded me of Rider fans with their green and white and painted faces, etc.!  

They did not have the roof open for the game so it was quite cool in there.  Once we got outside after the game it was like going into a sauna, a very hot sauna.  We took the long drive over to Gilbert to get the dogs and were finally home around 6:30.  Three hours later and my ears were still ringing, the noise in there was unbelievable.  However, it was an experience and now we can say that we have been to a game in Phoenix.

Today is very lazy, just doing a whole lot of nothing.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Life is good

This is my second attempt at blogging using my iPad!  My laptop is not cooperating and I just turned it off before I got too frustrated. Then I was on a real roll and ended up losing everything I entered using the iPad. Oh well, I have nothing but time and life is good.

I do not have a conventional keyboard for the iPad but it is going better than I thought it would. The new auto correct is awesome.  

I am not complaining. Really, how lucky are we?  We take a month long holiday in a warm place, go to the pool every day, buy tickets to NHL and NFL games because we want to, drink expensive liquor because it is cheap, do nothing all day long because we can and check the bank account once in a while to make sure the pension cheque and holiday pay are both going in the bank! I could get used to this except for the fact that we still have a home to maintain.  Anybody wanna buy a house?  Just kidding. 

We were shocked with the recent events in Ottawa and before that in Quebec earlier this week.  When I first heard about the shooting in Ottawa I found the CNN channel and we watched all day long, horrified that such an act had taken place. 

The interesting part about watching the news unfold down here was the fear that these "radicalized" Canadians would cross the border into the U.S.  The border between Mexico and the States is not as big an area to cover as the Canada/U.S. Border, yet the former is defended and protected by more Border Patrol personnel. 

Well I have a fear about the "radicalization " of people in general. I am not going to try to understand their weaknesses nor am I going to try and blame their parents or their upbringing. I am just afraid of the end result. Evil people indoctrinate weak and impressionable minds with violence and we end up with terrorism.  

One of the things that truly puzzles me is why the government revoked the passport of the latest miscreant.  Why not let him leave the country and if he tried to return do not let him back in.  Nothing was done to warn the public about him anyway so where was the advantage in not letting him have a passport?  Maybe I am missing something here.  If the reason was because he wanted to go somewhere to go to terrorist school then they should have let him go. 

That's all I have to say on that. We have to be on the look out for our safety all the time and we cannot stop craziness from happening.  I will never accept violence, I will never make an excuse for it but I also know there are people who are capable of it for reasons I will never understand. 

We have less than a week to enjoy our holiday before we head for home. I love Canada. 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

A beautiful day in the neighbourhood

Like the title says, it is a beautiful day in the neighbourhood.  The temperatures remain around 32 or 33 degrees during the day and do not fall much below 26 at night.  We had........rain.......last week for a couple of days, but it was short lived.  I thought we had rain in the middle of the night another time but it was the automatic sprinkler system watering the plants on the patio!  It is actually quite nice, green and lush and it feels cool sitting out here. 

Last week must have been mid-month outdoor maintenance day because there was a lot of activity with the weed whackers, lawn mowers and roof sweepers.  Yes, roof sweepers.  Some outfit shows up and starts sweeping dead leaves, etc. off of the roof - right down on top of me.  I moved inside for the duration!  Bernie just commented on the work ethic and the shabby equipment (brooms) that they had and wondered what the minimum wage was in Arizona.  As it turned out, it was on the news later on and apparently it went up and is now $8.05.  Wow. 

We went to a hockey game last Wednesday evening.  First we loaded the dogs in the car and drove to Gilbert to drop them off at Doggie Daycare.  On the way there we had to slow down for some road construction and a water issue.

Not a good use of the natural resources!

When we went back later on that night the issue seemed to be resolved!  Well at least their fire hydrants aren't covered in plastic bags and duct tape like some of them were in Coronation the last time I looked.
We dropped the dogs off and they seemed quite happy to stay there; well too bad if they weren't happy because I don't know what else we would do with them.  We programmed Betty and away we went.
Bernie wanted to shop for some new shoes so we went to a Sports Authority store at a mall we visited previously - Pavilions.  They had what he wanted but in the wrong colour.  I was excited that Boot Camp is going to start up again in Coronation so I shopped for some boot camp clothes!  I was happy with my purchases but he wanted to go to another Sports Authority to find his shoes in black.  So off we went to the Desert Ridge Shopping Mall or Plaza or whatever they called it.  It took quite a while to get there but we had lots of time.  He found his shoes in the right colour and he was good to go. 
By this time we thought we had better head out to the arena so off we went.  We had to take a right turn out of the shopping mall because no left turn was allowed.  Then we were supposed to do a U-Turn to head back the way we came and get on the freeway.  Well.......we decided that any U-Turn would do and we get behind a Penske truck who looked like he was doing the same thing.  Not.  There were two trucks ahead of them and one was stalled and the other was attaching a tow rope to it......So.....the Penske truck drives up and over the boulevard!  I wish I had the camera out for that one!  he toppled left and he toppled right and then he was upright - we thought he was going to tip over.  I'm glad he didn't since we would have missed the hockey game!  We had to get back into traffic, drive around the disabled truck, turn left into an empty lot, turn around and get back into traffic heading for the freeway.  We made it.
20 bucks later, for parking, we were walking around looking for a place to eat.  We settled on Johnny Rockets.  On Monday Nicholas and Pam brought us hamburgers from In and Out and on Wednesday we're eating hamburgers again!  They were fine - in fact Bernie had a chicken salad instead of hamburger.  I would have to say that the In and Out burgers reminded me of my teenage years when we would go to the Drive In at Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask. and stop at Brinkworth's for a burger after the show.  I can still taste that relish. 
Oh yeah, the hockey game.  There were only 11 thousand people there, but it was noisy.  The 50/50 was 12 thousand dollars - we didn't win.  I wore my Oilers jersey and we sat beside some Alberta boys.  We had fifth row seats and they weren't all that expensive.  The Trailer Park Boys were sitting in the row in front of us.  I'm not kidding.  Oh my god.  However, I do not have a picture of that either.  The game?  Well, the Oilers did not come to play that's for sure and they made the Coyotes look pretty good! 



I have been to more exciting games that's a fact. 
We left immediately following the game and it didn't take too long to get out of the parking lot and on our way.  Then it was on to Gilbert to get the dogs.  We got there about a quarter to eleven.  It was almost midnight before we got home.
I was completely tired out the next day.  Ever since we got here I have been getting up around 7 a.m. and by 7 p.m. I am ready for bed! 
On Friday we took a drive out to Fountain Hills and took the dogs to a dog park.  It was cloudy in the morning so nice for being outside. 
Duke and Bernie

They wouldn't go anywhere unless we walked around!
We stayed for about an hour and then headed out.  There is a huge fountain there that we were going to go and see but we missed the turn so we kept on going.  Fountain Hills - looks like a lovely and expensive place to live!

While we were out and about we decided to go to the football stadium and get tickets for an NFL game.  Well, we drove and drove and drove.  Betty took us on a looooong journey.  I honestly thought we were going to end up in L.A.  Finally we got there.  I waited in the car with the dogs and the air conditioning while Bernie went to the ticket office.

Once we got home we just stayed put until later on in the evening.  As usual it was a blistering hot day and the dogs just can't walk around in those temperatures. 

So now we have tickets to see an NFL game.  They are waaaaaay up in the nose bleed section somewhere and cost a hundred bucks each.  There is a new policy in the NFL this year that bans purses, backpacks, tote bags, .... well just about anything you would like to carry with you to a game.

Well you can see what I mean.  So now I guess I have to hunt for one of the approved bags! 
We are used to having the scans and the bag searches since it is a way of life when you go to any event anymore.  However, I think this is absolutely ridiculous and I doubt it will take less time to get through the lines.  The border security is less stringent than this.
Having said all this, there was a bank robbery in the shopping mall where we went on Wednesday.  One of the robbers was shot dead by a jewellery store employee whose business was next door to the bank.  OK.  I bet they didn't have clear plastic bags concealing their weapons.  Just saying.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Halfway through the month

We are now halfway through the month of October.  The time has gone by faster than I want it to but then time has a way of doing that.  I was thinking of everyone back home this morning - especially the two women who are in charge of the hall cleaning while Bernie is away.  Well, I do help him but he is the caretaker.  What a job that is, especially after a wedding since there is always a lot to clean!  I told him he should apply for a work visa and he could clean something while we are down here.  Anyway, thank you ladies, you know who you are!

We had the condo owner come by a week ago today to check out the microwave situation.  He concluded that he needed to get a new one.  Well, I concluded that as well!  He spent a couple hours back and forth and finally got it installed.  Bernie gave him a hand and he really liked that.  The dogs barked at him and then they were friendly, thank goodness.  He informed us that they have a little dog as well.  It was nice meeting him, very friendly guy, he wanted to bring his wife over as well.........oooookaaaay.  I guess we must be fun people that everyone wants to know.  Really, what do you say to that?  He didn't solve their electrical problems but we just plug that grill in where it works; I didn't say much since it is not my problem and I already paid the rent.  I didn't get into the plumbing situation under the bathroom sink since we can live with that and as I said previously......not my monkey, not my circus. 

One more thing on the owner:  he thought the dogs were cute and he took their pictures.  Bernie was holding Duke and he put his hand right around his snout.  Of course Duke snapped at him; I was in shock I couldn't believe anybody would do that!  He didn't bite him, thank god.

Of course the weather here has been fantastic each and every day.  I do not complain about the heat because that is why I am here.  I get up early and enjoy the morning and by nine at night I am heavy lidded!  I force myself to stay up until at least ten thirty because otherwise I would be up at four in the morning. 

Nicholas and Pam arrived here on Saturday the 11th.  The three of us toured around, found a Target which made Pam happy!  It made me happy as well since I needed groceries and I could get most of what I needed there.  We were looking for liquor and tobacco as well but it was not to be found anywhere in that shopping complex.  Why you ask?  We were told that it is on an Indian Reservation and there is no alcohol or tobacco allowed for sale.  OK. 

We went to a Fry's (home of the Wednesday Senior discount).  Too bad it was a Saturday!  The selection of wine, beer and alcohol in a grocery store is out of this world.  We got what we went for and came home. 

I cooked supper for everyone and we had a feast.  It is nice to have this place instead of going out for meals since that would have broken our bank account a long time ago! 

We have a pull out couch so Bernie and I slept in the living room and gave them our bed.  It was comfy and the dogs really liked it!  ha ha  No dogs are allowed on the furniture.......that's a joke.  We do our best since I cover everything. 

Sunday rolled around and we lazed by the pool in the morning and had a good visit.  Honestly we don't see enough of one another and they just live in Edmonton.  We have to go on a holiday to visit, or so it would seem. 

I woke up with a headache that just wouldn't go away but wasn't bad enough to put me down.  We tried to tire the dogs out since we were getting ready to go to our niece's wedding later on in the day.  We left the condo about 3:30 p.m. and headed to the wedding venue.  It was about 15 minutes away so not much of a drive.  Everything is "not that far" but it usually requires some freeway driving and fancy maneuvering. 

We found the place without too much difficulty.  Pam drove their rental car and did a fine job.  We wandered around and found the venue, outside.  We just walked around and looked at things, took a few pictures and then went to the venue and sat down. 

The ceremony started at 4:30 and it was lovely.  The bride and groom are very happy! 
Mr. and Mrs. Dao

We had cocktails outside for an hour, moved inside for the reception and dance and had a great time.  We got back to the condo about 11 p.m. 

The dogs were sure happy to see us.  We have this app that records and we set it up to "spy" on them to see if they were behaving.  Well, Bernie checked it a little while we were gone but there was no WiFi so it was just once.  Besides, what are you going to do if they didn't behave?  Phone them?  We checked the video when we got back and Sarge did his share of barking - not steady, but enough.

The next day we lounged by the pool again in the morning and then after lunch Nicholas and Pam toured around a bit.  We just stayed put.  In the early afternoon the upstairs neighbor marches up to the front door because he could see if was ajar and he saw me inside.  Of course the dogs run there and start barking.  Anyway, Mr. Minnesota from upstairs proceeds to say, "We live upstairs.  I don't know where you were yesterday but the dogs barked for five hours.  I don't want to tell J and K (the owners) about this so I am telling you."  and he leaves.  Jerk.  He turns his back and walks away, I said "sorry", and he keeps walking.  Oh brother.

Well, dogs do bark and I doubt it was for five hours straight since we have the videos.  I felt like telling him that he wakes me up at six every morning with his banging and thumping upstairs and they have squeaky floorboards.  I can hear him taking a pee in the bathroom and flushing.  I can also hear their stupid phone ringing early in the morning and I can hear his wife telling him to answer it.  I have listened, without any effort at all, to all his conversations with whoever is helping him with his computer and to all the conversations he has had with another fellow Minnesotan while he was sitting on his deck which is directly above our patio.  But, I said nothing because we are only here for another two weeks and he can kiss my.......(well you know what).  When he threatened to call the owners I smiled - maybe that pissed him off, I don't care.

I am on holidays here so I don't really give a rat's ass what he thinks or what bothers him.  I am not especially fond of barking dogs either but it is not like it is every day all day long.  I also know that I would not complain if I was in that situation.  Life is life, suck it up and live a little.

However, we found a dog boarding place in Gilbert yesterday and took the dogs there for a trial to see how they would make out.  We have tickets to the Oilers vs Coyotes game this evening so Duke and Sarge will go to the doggie day care.  The person working there, Candice, is a Canadian from Ontario who lives here now.  Ironic how things work out.  We had their vet records with us and everything checked out so that is a relief.  The place is also open 24/7 so you can go at any time day and night to pick them up and drop them off.

We left the dogs for about three hours for a trial run.  While they were there we asked Betty, our GPS, to find a Wal Mart.  Well, Betty directed us to some godforsaken area of Mesa and concluded that a Wal Mart Supercentre existed........not.  I guess we should have done some updates before we left!  We found - you guessed it Pam - a TARGET store instead after a bit of driving around.  There sure isn't much there and I am kind of glad that we are staying in Scottsdale.  We had lunch, shopped a bit at Target and then found another little shopping centre with a sporting goods store.  Bernie was looking for shoes, but no luck there.  We stopped for a Frozen Yogurt and then headed back to the Target Store because they had free Wifi there and we could check our maps on our iPhones.  We did find a place that sells running gear, etc. but by then it was time to get the dogs and see how they made out in day care.

They did awesome and we told her we would bring them back the next day..  We purchased a package deal so we are good to go for two more days for both of them after today.

It was kind of a relief to find a place since they really don't do that well on their own for any length of time.  We aren't going to sit in this place for the remainder of our holiday just because they might be a bother to someone, so doggie day care it is.  When it comes time to settle up here I have a good mind to tell the owner that instead of refunding our $300.00 deposit we paid for the dogs she can just give it to the a......e upstairs for all his trouble.

Okay, I'm good now.  I just had to move my laptop inside because they are cleaning the rooftops and sweeping all the dead leaves and dirt to the ground.  It was landing on me so I thought it would be best to move inside.  There is sure a lot of activity going on outside right now - crews cleaning and grooming the grounds I guess. 

And so the good life rolls on.  We are halfway through our holiday and I will make the most of the time we have left here!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Like a cactus

Looking at our front entrance

We have been here for a week now and have settled in nicely.  I had to call the owner the second day we were here because we blew a breaker and couldn't find the breaker box.  Well....we found it after I called and left a message!  We got things going again and I called again and left another message.  Things are not where they are normally for us since everything is just put together differently. 

Anyway, there was a brand new George Foreman Grill on the patio so I plugged it in thinking that it would cook up our supper quite nicely.  It was on for about five minutes and the lights went out.  Bernie jumped up immediately because the t.v. went out as well and it was interrupting his NFL game.  We searched everywhere....almost everywhere.....made a phone call.....opened one last door......threw the breaker......made another phone call......didn't use the grill since I was scared it would happen again. 

Okay, so here's the deal.  In our climate we have outdoor plugs that we use for outdoor things like plugging in vehicles during the winter, or plugging in our holiday trailers or using compressors or power tools - well you know.  Here it is a different story.  The outdoor plug appears to be on the same circuit as half the lights in the condo.  That isn't much believe me - dark in here most of the time.  I have my lap top plugged in to this plug in since I sit outside most of the time when I do this stuff.  I hope I don't blow the breaker!

Well the poor lady called me back the next day since she was out of town and I explained the situation.  Meanwhile, what she doesn't know is that we found another plug in situated in the same closet that the breaker box is housed and it looks like a water softener plugged into that one.  So I used the grill on two occasions plugged into that one and it seems to work fine.  Well, at least it hasn't blown anything up yet.

Speaking of blowing up.  Yesterday I was sitting outside enjoying my morning coffee when I heard a strange noise inside.  So I go to investigate since the air conditioners in this place cut in and out all the time and there is always some kind of noise.  I head to the kitchen and here the fan over the stove is going full tilt.  It is part of the overhead microwave set up so I try to turn it off - pressed all kinds of buttons.  It did not respond and I was just about to drag a chair over and get to the plug when it died.  It got really hot on top so I ended up unplugging it anyway.  What the hell.  Poltergeist!
Now I will have to call again.  They are going to start thinking we are bad news!  It's bad enough that the dogs lay around all day long on the furniture........we have it covered just like at the microwave.  Oh well.  I don't think we will get evicted or anything like that.  We are just ordinary folks from Alberta, Canada - we talk funny, we say "holiday" instead of "vacation" and down here they should be used to such things, especially during the winter months.

There are people from Minnesota directly above us.  They talk louder than I do - that's loud!  I am sure they are very nice folks.  They get up early and are on the road looking for clients for a fledgling Home Care business.  Sounds interesting.  Well, I was eavesdropping like Mrs. Gladys Kravitz the nosy neighbor!  I was trying to mind my own business last evening as I grilled our steaks.  They were on their deck above me and someone they knew walked by and they had a nice loud conversation.  What can I say?  I listened. 

Of course it is very hot here every day, sometimes reaching the low nineties.  We walked to a Circle K a few blocks away on Saturday or Sunday, I can't remember which, Sunday I think.  Of course Bernie needed tobacco and I told him I was not driving around amongst crazy people looking for a smoke shop.  I was pretty sure a gas station/convenience store would have what he needed.  Sure enough they did.  His legs and back bother him so it is hard to walk some days but he did all right.  The gates are locked so you have to have a code to get back in.  I looked it up but wouldn't you know it? wouldn't open.  I made sure to wave like crazy at the Security Guard when we left so he would remember us.  I mean....who wouldn't remember two people WALKING.  He ambles over and punches in the code and we're in.  The code was different than what we had thought.  I never said anything, we'll just use the "new" code next time. 

There are a couple of bikes in the storage shed here so we got them out on Sunday and had a look.  The tires all needed air - a lot of air - so we pumped them up and took them both for a spin.  The gear shifter on the bike with the basket did not work at all and if we had put the tool box in the car (I took it out because there was no room!) then it would have been fixed.  Oh well. 

On Monday we thought we would take a spin to the same area as the Circle K and find a place called AJ's Purveyor of Fine Foods.  It came highly recommended.  There are some marked bike routes on the street leading out of this place.  Bernie hopped on the bike with the basket but I declined because I wasn't comfortable without a helmet.  Chicken you might say.  however, one could ride on the sidewalk because no one walks anywhere here anyway.  We got to the gate and both tires were flat.  So he took the bike back and we ended up walking anyway! 

We got to our destination and looked at every store and couldn't find AJ's.  We ended up going to Walgreen's and bought coffee, etc.  On the way out I asked the clerk if there was an AJ's and he said that yes there was but it closed on August 16th.  Bummer. 

Yesterday Bernie says we'll go for groceries at Sprout's Farmer's Market.  he wanted to drive so I was good to go.  It wasn't far but we ended up turning in too soon.  We could see Sprout's but it was on the other side of a wall and there was no way to get over there.  So back out onto the main road (Shea Boulevard).  We had to make a left turn to get back into the steady stream of traffic so that was a long wait.  We get to the middle in the boulevard and then have to wait again to get into the traffic stream.  Of course some jackass has to honk his horn and fly right by - missed hitting us by a very narrow margin.  I mean really, why not just let us into the lane?  Why come barreling down the road at full speed and then honk your horn to tell us you might hit us??  Makes me furious.  They love to honk their horns here.  They even honk at you in the parking lot when you are patiently waiting for someone to back up and you don't want to get in their way. 

We had a shop at Sprout's and got home all in one piece.  They sell mostly natural and organic food there so I am not going back since it is nice but expensive.  I like Fry's.  Oh wait, today is Wednesday - Senior's discount day.  Oh well, I don't need anything now.

We left the dogs alone while we went on our little excursions and they seemed to be all right.  I put Rescue Remedy in their water in order to keep them as stress free as possible.  I bought another bottle yesterday.  It seems to help.  Maybe some of the drivers around here could take a few drops now and then!

Meanwhile, I will try not to be like a cactus, all prickly and dangerous looking! 

Well, as usual this was fun. 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Rest In Peace

Here I sit having my morning coffee remembering a day I would just like to forget.  October 4th.....Oh boy here we go.  These past fourteen years have been an experience that's for sure.  There is no word in the English language to describe a parent who has lost a child.  You lose your husband or your wife and you are a widow or a widower; you lose your parents you become an orphan.  Your child dies and you are .......?  Crazy? Grief stricken? Lost? Angry? None of these even comes close and I haven't heard yet if a word has been invented.

I read all the books that were given to me by very kind and well-meaning people about grief and the process one goes through.  I think some of those days, in the early years, I was stuck on the first step.  I honestly can't remember all the steps because I didn't think it was necessary to commit them to memory since I was living it each and every minute of every day.  I found some of the topics helpful since I could relate so well; but on the main they were just nice books to keep me occupied.

As I moved on through the "process" I really didn't feel anything one way or the other.  One day I was good the next day not so good.  I suppose if I learned anything it was to be gentle with myself since I could hardly expect anyone else to deal with me!  I have a quick temper and I normally have to sit on it so being a crazy, grief stricken, lost and angry ex-mother to a son who no longer lived ........ well let's just say it was a challenge to be gentle.

I know there are lots of people in this world who have their share of troubles and who have had heavy burdens to bear their entire lives.  That doesn't take anything away from me and I totally empathize with those who have struggled - especially the parents out there whose children died.

It is not normal for a child to die before the parent and it is certainly not something you plan for.  It is such a total shock to the system that when I look back on it now I understand how adrenaline can take over because without it I would have curled up into a ball and gone into hibernation.  There is so much to do and it all falls on the parents to do it.  Family and friends are great and they can be helpful but in the end it falls on the parents to do right by their child.

What I am talking about is the funeral/memorial service that must take place.  There are so many decisions and we certainly didn't have much experience in this area.  I think we did okay and I really believe that Brett would have loved his own funeral.  We chose the songs very carefully with some help from his friends.  I wrote the eulogy and I recorded it as well since I didn't trust anyone else to do it.  The day of the funeral was a tough, tough day and I was relieved when it was all over and done with.

I invited more chaos into our world when I included the media since I felt that we should.  The fact that Brett was the third young person to die of meningitis in the Capital Health Region was news.  I was also convinced that he would have had a better outcome if he had been attended to in the hospital.  So I put it out there.  To this day Bernie and I haven't really talked about this part of the whole thing.  He willingly talked to the news reporters and I know it was very hard on him.  His message was to immunize against potentially fatal diseases.  We did our best with our children and it still wasn't good enough since that was the one "shot" Brett did not have and it could have saved his life. 

As time went on I kept it up and Bernie did not participate in any of it ever again.  I wrote letters and ranted and raved as best I could and then I stopped too!  Once in a while I have something to say about people who do not immunize their children.  I honestly don't care if I step on anyone's toes.  I mean, seriously, why would you think that the government was conspiring to kill you off with vaccines??  Oh, and why would you spend money on "natural" cures and line some quack's pocket when vaccines do not cost you a nickel?? 

And so it goes.  I'm good.  We have moved on with our lives and tenderly step around that empty place in our hearts that represents all the grief and sorrow a parent feels when their child dies and is gone forever.  We move forward because that is the only place to go.  Some days are still really good and some days I would rather forget.  That's life.

Every year up until this year I put a memorial tribute to Brett in three local papers.  This year I stopped and I don't think I will do it again.  We remember, we will never forget and that is all that counts.

Rest in peace Brett.