Saturday, October 25, 2014

Life is good

This is my second attempt at blogging using my iPad!  My laptop is not cooperating and I just turned it off before I got too frustrated. Then I was on a real roll and ended up losing everything I entered using the iPad. Oh well, I have nothing but time and life is good.

I do not have a conventional keyboard for the iPad but it is going better than I thought it would. The new auto correct is awesome.  

I am not complaining. Really, how lucky are we?  We take a month long holiday in a warm place, go to the pool every day, buy tickets to NHL and NFL games because we want to, drink expensive liquor because it is cheap, do nothing all day long because we can and check the bank account once in a while to make sure the pension cheque and holiday pay are both going in the bank! I could get used to this except for the fact that we still have a home to maintain.  Anybody wanna buy a house?  Just kidding. 

We were shocked with the recent events in Ottawa and before that in Quebec earlier this week.  When I first heard about the shooting in Ottawa I found the CNN channel and we watched all day long, horrified that such an act had taken place. 

The interesting part about watching the news unfold down here was the fear that these "radicalized" Canadians would cross the border into the U.S.  The border between Mexico and the States is not as big an area to cover as the Canada/U.S. Border, yet the former is defended and protected by more Border Patrol personnel. 

Well I have a fear about the "radicalization " of people in general. I am not going to try to understand their weaknesses nor am I going to try and blame their parents or their upbringing. I am just afraid of the end result. Evil people indoctrinate weak and impressionable minds with violence and we end up with terrorism.  

One of the things that truly puzzles me is why the government revoked the passport of the latest miscreant.  Why not let him leave the country and if he tried to return do not let him back in.  Nothing was done to warn the public about him anyway so where was the advantage in not letting him have a passport?  Maybe I am missing something here.  If the reason was because he wanted to go somewhere to go to terrorist school then they should have let him go. 

That's all I have to say on that. We have to be on the look out for our safety all the time and we cannot stop craziness from happening.  I will never accept violence, I will never make an excuse for it but I also know there are people who are capable of it for reasons I will never understand. 

We have less than a week to enjoy our holiday before we head for home. I love Canada. 

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