Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Like a cactus

Looking at our front entrance

We have been here for a week now and have settled in nicely.  I had to call the owner the second day we were here because we blew a breaker and couldn't find the breaker box.  Well....we found it after I called and left a message!  We got things going again and I called again and left another message.  Things are not where they are normally for us since everything is just put together differently. 

Anyway, there was a brand new George Foreman Grill on the patio so I plugged it in thinking that it would cook up our supper quite nicely.  It was on for about five minutes and the lights went out.  Bernie jumped up immediately because the t.v. went out as well and it was interrupting his NFL game.  We searched everywhere....almost everywhere.....made a phone call.....opened one last door......threw the breaker......made another phone call......didn't use the grill since I was scared it would happen again. 

Okay, so here's the deal.  In our climate we have outdoor plugs that we use for outdoor things like plugging in vehicles during the winter, or plugging in our holiday trailers or using compressors or power tools - well you know.  Here it is a different story.  The outdoor plug appears to be on the same circuit as half the lights in the condo.  That isn't much believe me - dark in here most of the time.  I have my lap top plugged in to this plug in since I sit outside most of the time when I do this stuff.  I hope I don't blow the breaker!

Well the poor lady called me back the next day since she was out of town and I explained the situation.  Meanwhile, what she doesn't know is that we found another plug in situated in the same closet that the breaker box is housed and it looks like a water softener plugged into that one.  So I used the grill on two occasions plugged into that one and it seems to work fine.  Well, at least it hasn't blown anything up yet.

Speaking of blowing up.  Yesterday I was sitting outside enjoying my morning coffee when I heard a strange noise inside.  So I go to investigate since the air conditioners in this place cut in and out all the time and there is always some kind of noise.  I head to the kitchen and here the fan over the stove is going full tilt.  It is part of the overhead microwave set up so I try to turn it off - pressed all kinds of buttons.  It did not respond and I was just about to drag a chair over and get to the plug when it died.  It got really hot on top so I ended up unplugging it anyway.  What the hell.  Poltergeist!
Now I will have to call again.  They are going to start thinking we are bad news!  It's bad enough that the dogs lay around all day long on the furniture........we have it covered just like at the microwave.  Oh well.  I don't think we will get evicted or anything like that.  We are just ordinary folks from Alberta, Canada - we talk funny, we say "holiday" instead of "vacation" and down here they should be used to such things, especially during the winter months.

There are people from Minnesota directly above us.  They talk louder than I do - that's loud!  I am sure they are very nice folks.  They get up early and are on the road looking for clients for a fledgling Home Care business.  Sounds interesting.  Well, I was eavesdropping like Mrs. Gladys Kravitz the nosy neighbor!  I was trying to mind my own business last evening as I grilled our steaks.  They were on their deck above me and someone they knew walked by and they had a nice loud conversation.  What can I say?  I listened. 

Of course it is very hot here every day, sometimes reaching the low nineties.  We walked to a Circle K a few blocks away on Saturday or Sunday, I can't remember which, Sunday I think.  Of course Bernie needed tobacco and I told him I was not driving around amongst crazy people looking for a smoke shop.  I was pretty sure a gas station/convenience store would have what he needed.  Sure enough they did.  His legs and back bother him so it is hard to walk some days but he did all right.  The gates are locked so you have to have a code to get back in.  I looked it up but wouldn't you know it? wouldn't open.  I made sure to wave like crazy at the Security Guard when we left so he would remember us.  I mean....who wouldn't remember two people WALKING.  He ambles over and punches in the code and we're in.  The code was different than what we had thought.  I never said anything, we'll just use the "new" code next time. 

There are a couple of bikes in the storage shed here so we got them out on Sunday and had a look.  The tires all needed air - a lot of air - so we pumped them up and took them both for a spin.  The gear shifter on the bike with the basket did not work at all and if we had put the tool box in the car (I took it out because there was no room!) then it would have been fixed.  Oh well. 

On Monday we thought we would take a spin to the same area as the Circle K and find a place called AJ's Purveyor of Fine Foods.  It came highly recommended.  There are some marked bike routes on the street leading out of this place.  Bernie hopped on the bike with the basket but I declined because I wasn't comfortable without a helmet.  Chicken you might say.  however, one could ride on the sidewalk because no one walks anywhere here anyway.  We got to the gate and both tires were flat.  So he took the bike back and we ended up walking anyway! 

We got to our destination and looked at every store and couldn't find AJ's.  We ended up going to Walgreen's and bought coffee, etc.  On the way out I asked the clerk if there was an AJ's and he said that yes there was but it closed on August 16th.  Bummer. 

Yesterday Bernie says we'll go for groceries at Sprout's Farmer's Market.  he wanted to drive so I was good to go.  It wasn't far but we ended up turning in too soon.  We could see Sprout's but it was on the other side of a wall and there was no way to get over there.  So back out onto the main road (Shea Boulevard).  We had to make a left turn to get back into the steady stream of traffic so that was a long wait.  We get to the middle in the boulevard and then have to wait again to get into the traffic stream.  Of course some jackass has to honk his horn and fly right by - missed hitting us by a very narrow margin.  I mean really, why not just let us into the lane?  Why come barreling down the road at full speed and then honk your horn to tell us you might hit us??  Makes me furious.  They love to honk their horns here.  They even honk at you in the parking lot when you are patiently waiting for someone to back up and you don't want to get in their way. 

We had a shop at Sprout's and got home all in one piece.  They sell mostly natural and organic food there so I am not going back since it is nice but expensive.  I like Fry's.  Oh wait, today is Wednesday - Senior's discount day.  Oh well, I don't need anything now.

We left the dogs alone while we went on our little excursions and they seemed to be all right.  I put Rescue Remedy in their water in order to keep them as stress free as possible.  I bought another bottle yesterday.  It seems to help.  Maybe some of the drivers around here could take a few drops now and then!

Meanwhile, I will try not to be like a cactus, all prickly and dangerous looking! 

Well, as usual this was fun. 

1 comment:

  1. LOL oh Bonnie you make me laugh, enjoyed the daily musings. I would love to go to that organic market. Did you guys see a Target yet?
