Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Say a prayer for Sandy Hook

 I am not familiar with guns, I have never held one and I don't really have the need for one if you know what I mean.  When 20 children are gunned down, and 6 adults are killed and a mother dies in her bed, all at the hands of a single deranged individual it gives us more than a pause to reflect.  I don't think it is one thing or another and everyone will play out their own feelings and opinions about what kills, what doesn't, what needs to be fixed, what needs to stay the same.  Public debate will go on for a while and I do hope there are some changes.  The guy was a nut job who got his hands on some very questionable weapons and chose to break into a school and pretend to be Rambo in the jungle.  Then he chose to be even more of a coward by taking his own pathetic life.  The moral and social fabric of a nation is in the spotlight at the moment.  The funerals have begun, another town is in mourning and a nation, the whole world, is watching.  My opinion on gun control?  While I know they don't just jump off the shelves and go into auto-pilot, handguns and fancy schmansy automatic weapons were made to kill people, there is a huge gun lobby in the United States that is more powerful than most people know, violence is quite often a way of life - something needs to change.  Now there is a race to get to the stores and purchase AR 15s, good lord.   Get back to the basics, put more money into family programs, make it sustainable funding and in some cases make it mandatory.  Why have the weapons in the first place?  We feel a need to protect ourselves from other people and their unpredictable ways and I am sick and tired of it.  Prevention is the key with everything.  There are lots of diseases and other things that can kill children, we don't really need to throw guns and violence into the mix.  Merry Christmas everyone and say a prayer for those little kids, for the teachers, for all the families who will be forever changed.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Last day before heading home

This is our last day before we have to head home.  I don't want to go but alas, I have a job that beckons me.  I don't get it, I should be retired....oh well, I am sure I will settle right in once we get home.

Bernie took part in the Valley First Granfondo on Sunday the 8th.  We went into Penticton the day before so he could pick up his package and information.  Everybody got a nice wine glass as well.  It was burning hot and we left the dogs in the trailer at "Camp Along" with the air conditioner going full blast.  They were fine and didn't really miss us. 

Before we left the neighbours to the left wanted to get better acquainted so she brought us some cherries from their back yard.  They were good and it was nice to have fresh fruit that we didn't have to pay a fortune for!  She stayed, and stayed and stayed and visited and of course we had to meet their dogs and learn their life stories.......anyway......

Bernie got ready on Saturday evening for his bike ride.  He was up at five a.m. and gone on his way since the ride started at 7 a.m.  It was very hot and I was glad that I hadn't signed up to do this.  After 50 km he was done.  He had signed up for the 92 km but he said his legs were feeling it so he just called it a day.  He got back to the campground by noon and we had a big brunch before he had a shower and a long nap. 

Our cherry tree neighbours left around 11 a.m. amid a lot of bickering and insults.....good grief, I was glad for the peace and quiet!  I sat around and watched others come and try to park their big trailers.....it was interesting.  I was just glad that we would be leaving on Monday and hoping that we would be able to maneuver around everybody and the narrow roads. 

We watched the Riders beat the Eskimos and had steak and hot dogs for supper.  We were sitting around trying to keep cool when I discovered a tick in Sarge's ear.  So out came the tweezers and after much wiggling on his part and with Bernie hanging on to him I managed to pull the tick out.  Other than that we had no other misfortunes.

Monday morning we were up early since we had a long trip ahead of us.  We were out of there by 10:30 and just barely squeaked by two trucks on the way out.  So......if anybody is looking for an RV park to stay near Penticton I wouldn't recommend this one unless you want an adventure.  The roads are very narrow and as a result it is a one way all around the park. There are no pull through sites and if you make a mistake there is nowhere to go since they are all very small.  If you are tenting then this would be the place to go since the sites are very nice.  There are fruit trees all over the place as well. They bake cinnamon buns and croissants every morning and take orders the night before.   The store in the office does not have much so if you need groceries you would have to go to Penticton.  Take quarters because the showers are coin operated:  25 cents for three minutes.  There is a laundromat as well and a swimming pool.  There is wi fi, cable t.v., water, sewer and power.  It is a clean place, just not very big!

We headed south towards the crows nest highway.  We sure enjoyed the drive since we had never been near so many orchards and wineries!  I took some notes of different RV parks along the way and I think we may try Okanagan Falls next time.  We drove and drove and drove all day long.  The mountain passes were interesting.  We stopped at Grand Forks for gas and then stopped at a rest stop a little while later for lunch.  Well, it wasn't exactly a rest stop - it was a weigh station that was no longer in use.  On and on we went and never stopped again until a rest stop near Cranbrook since we both had to go to the bathroom and the dogs needed out as well.  We got gas at a truck stop in Cranbrook and then headed to Fort Steele to Fort Steele Resort and RV Park. 

We arrived about 7:30 p.m. and it took about twenty minutes to set everything up.  The temperatures were just blistering hot and ranged anywhere from 33 to 23 depending on where we were.  This campground is wonderful.  All the sites are pull through, water, sewer and power hook ups and wi fi.  I cranked up the antennae and we can get two channels!  There is a gas station, big store, showers, laundromat and a swimming pool.  It is located down the road from Fort Steele Heritage Town. 

I did no driving but I was still tired.  That was a long day of driving for Bernie but he said he felt pretty good.  The dogs were perfect.  They slept all the way and just got excited when we got here.

Today we left the dogs to the coolness of the trailer and we drove into Cranbrook to WalMart for a few things.  Bernie was also on the hunt for Red Man Tobacco which is his vice.  He finally found some at a Shell Food Store.  It is not as expensive as it is in Alberta.

We have a lovely view of the mountains from our door.  It sure beats looking out and seeing the rear end of somebody's truck or the back end of the bathrooms!  There are a lot of big units here and most of them pulled in today.  They are mostly from Florida and Arizona so it is probably some kind of RVers "Jamboree".....or something. 

Tomorrow we will head towards Fernie and Lethbridge and make our way home.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Camping and driving

As usual I can't believe it is July and my last post was on June 4th!  I promised to keep myself up to date with the "training" for the half marathon.  Well there wasn't much to report.  My training regimen went sideways but I did manage to do a few long walks with the group.  The mosquitoes remained vicious as ever and on one particular outing a couple of weeks ago no amount of bug spray could keep them from circling and biting. 
A group of us started off from our house, walked clear across town and back and then headed north up to the road that goes to the garbage dump.  Bernie said it would be about 15 km if we did that.  Of course I got left behind in the dust because my feet do not allow me to go very fast - but I plugged along.  I tried to move as fast as I could thinking that the blood suckers would not be able to catch me but I wasn't very successful with that plan.  I made it there and back and I walked even faster when I saw our car approaching.  It was Bernie, being kind, asking if I wanted a ride to escape the mosquitoes.  I got mad and told him no thank you, I could walk just like anybody else......On I marched, bitten but not defeated.

The time has just gone by so fast and my long awaited vacation arrived.  I never took vacations before since I always worked for everybody else in the summer time.  I worked hard to get ready and we finally left on July 4th in the wind.  Yes, the wind howled all night and we put off leaving until close to noon because the weather report said it would be calmer by then.  Pulling a trailer on a windy day is no picnic, but then I wasn`t driving either. 

We drove all the way to Golden, stopping for gas once and a couple of times to let the dogs air out a bit.  I packed a lunch and we ate on the run.  We had a spot at the Whispering Spruce Campground, the same place we stayed ten years ago when we did the Tour du Canada.  We remembered it somewhat, but things have changed in ten years, including the highway which is better now. 

We got settled in to our spot and I opened the freezer to take something out to barbecue for supper only to discover melted ice cream and a fridge that was not operating.  AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH.  Lovely.  I was mad at the world, and hungry.  I eventually got it cleaned up and we ate and even had time for a walk.  The fridge is working now...........the propane was turned off and it needs to be on to run the fridge when we are driving........I thought he knew that......I guess not.  Well, we should have gone on a weekend test run with the trailer so Bernie could reacquaint himself with our little holiday trailer.  We also had water problems and we still need a new plug to really fix the situation.  Of course we only knew we were going away at this time about six months ago and that surely wasn`t enough time to get things road worthy......Oh and did I mention that we only had one full tank of propane??  Gee I guess we needed to get ready last year by the sounds of it. 

The day after we got settled in we drove in to Golden and found a place that would fill our propane tank.  We also bought some more water and I felt so lucky that I also bought a lottery ticket.  Anyway, if you need to get propane whilst travelling west on Highway One at Golden just go to Free Energy which is right beside the A&W. 

We left for points south on July 6th.  We had a nice drive through Roger's Pass, first time we drove in a vehicle going this way.  The first time was on our bikes and it sure is seen from a different perspective.  We ate on the run again.  The day got hotter and hotter and Bernie finally gave in and turned the air conditioning on.  I think he was concerned for the dogs.......The longest drive was from Kelowna to Penticton due to the high volume of traffic.  We got to the Camp Along rv resort and campground in good time and then the problems began!

After much maneuvering Bernie finally got the trailer parked.  Suffice it to say we won't be staying here again....we'll be lucky if we get out!  I had a hard time getting to sleep last night; visions of a truck trying to push a trailer into a spot that was as big as a postage stamp with trees on both sides....visions of our truck at a right angle to the trailer.....visions of our truck's left fender tucked right into a tree stump that served as a petunia planter......watching helplessly as he finaly got the sway bars off (I actually suggested that he do that before he started twisting our trailer around at unnatural angles......what do I know?)  I tossed and turned and finally got to sleep about 2 a.m.

Anyway, the neighbour helped him out a bit and for that I am grateful since it saved me getting hollered at for not giving the right hand signals!  Laugh out loud!!

After we got parked - snugged right up to a tree branch, but that's okay since there is no damage to anything else thank god - I served cold beers on the patio.  We got a new mat to put beside the trailer and I really like it.  That and our gravity chairs made me feel better; not to mention the three beers I had before I cooked supper.  The fridge was working splendidly since I convinced him that the propane had to be turned on at all times.  We have cable t.v., wifi, water, power and thankfully the air conditioning works.

Today we drove into Penticton so Bernie can get his race package for the Granfondo which he is cycling in tomorrow.  I hope he does all right in this heat - it is thirty degrees C. right now at six in the afternoon. 

Our neighbours to the left gave us cherries they grew in their back yard.  They have two dogs and one isn't very friendly.  Our dogs are behaving all right so far.  The neighbours to our right are not home much, but the guy did help us out yesterday.

Well I will try and post some pictures of our little adventure here in B.C. and I will blog later on, maybe after we get home.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Blast from the past

I had a comment from one of my long ago friends and walking partners which made me smile with the memories.  Many years ago we used to get up early in every kind of weather and go for a brisk walk before going to work.  It was my habit to set my clock for 6:20 a.m. and be out the door and down the lane by 6:40.  The two of us would head out on the same route every weekday morning with our dogs Sasha and Sondra.  Back then we just let the dogs go wherever they wanted without us hanging onto a leash.....my how times have changed!!  The dogs did everything together; and I mean everything.
We would head out of town and go down the same country road talking away; I think we solved every problem known to man.  One time someone commented to me that when we walked past her place she thought it was geese flying overhead - nice.  I didn't care.....well, I care less now than I did then!
We had a few adventures on those walks.  Once we turned to go west we only went past one yard and on occasion the man of the house would be out driving around without his headlights on.  I can remember giving him hell one morning!  Another time we could hear this man's voice softly calling out, "Precious", or was it "Cuddles" or "Lovey", or something like that..Anyhow, it turns out he was calling his little dog.  Thank goodness for that!  We sure had a laugh over that one.
Some days it was foggy and on one extremely foggy morning we set out, picking our way along the gravel road.  We could see a shadow looming up ahead. The dogs were no help since they were off somewhere in the ditch chasing imaginary rabbits and looking for an opening in the fence since it was so much fun to roll around in cow poop.  We were on our own.  The shadow floated closer and we clutched one another in fear; I still get goose bumps thinking about it.  Finally one of us found our voice (not me) and she called out, "Is someone there??"  Just then the shadow turned into a local lady out for a walk and she says, "You two aren't the only ones who go for a walk you know."  With that she kept on walking and once we recovered from shaking in our running shoes we continued on.
In the winter time we missed a few walks due to extremely cold weather but for the most part we carried on all bundled up against the elements.  There was the odd occasion when we walked in town because of snow and ice and wind.  One of those extreme mornings we decided it would be best to stay in town.  It was really icy.  We slipped and slid along but it was manageable.  Well, it was all right until the dogs decided to run close to us.  They picked up speed and came barrelling towards us only to discover that neither one of them could stop due to the ice.  They both skidded into us and down we went like football players, tackled on the streets of our little village by a Black Lab and a German Shepherd.  We were both laughing and howling and as we tried to get up we slipped and fell down again, rolling around with our heavy winter gear.  Good job it was dark and early, although I am sure somebody must have seen us go ass over tea kettle that fine morning!
Oh those were good times and I haven't had as great a friend and walking partner since that time.  We moved here almost nineteen years ago and those days will never be repeated.
Thanks for the memories.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mosquitoes and determination

So....today will be day three of the "training".  It is Sunday and I am wondering if maybe it should be the day of rest.  This is a different program than what I am used to following but I am going to stick to it since I love a plan and I love it even better when somebody else maps it out for me.  That way I do not have to think....just do.  On Friday I was up very early since I had to work at seven in the morning.  After work I ran around doing things that I had put off doing earlier on in the week.  I told my husband he was in charge of supper since I couldn't think of anything to have anyway and I headed out for my 6 km "run" around five o'clock - roughly twelve hours since I pulled myself out of bed to start the day.
I sprayed myself with OFF and away I went. I set my watch (yes I tested it and did it properly this time) and had it set for intervals of 1 minute 30 seconds with a 30 second walk in between.  I found my little belt holder thing from Running Room and filled my bottle with water, not the right water bottle because I couldn't find that one.  The temperatures were lovely and warm and the day was sunny all day long making for nice running conditions.
The OFF didn't work very well; I should have used more heavy duty stuff.  The mosquitoes were everywhere and my arms got a good work out slapping at the little bloodsuckers as they came in for a landing.  I did not let that deter me and I tried to stick to my running and walking intervals.  I let my mind wander to more happier times when I had resolved to never put myself through this torture.  I don't know why I would want to revisit the sore hip joints, lower back pain and aching feet.  Why oh why do I do this to myself?  I know the answer and I tried to avoid it to no avail.  Songs always go through my head as I "run" but I was getting sick of the Black Forest Polka. To get the Polka music out of my head my mantra becomes:  "You paid for this; accept the pain." and "Watch those pounds melt off."
Soon I was no longer able to keep up with my plan as I reached the last little stretch before the turn around at the cemetery.  The rest of the way home I only broke out into enthusiastic running when a vehicle approached.  Well.....I didn't want them to think I was just out for a little walk, no way, I am a "runner".
Laugh out loud if you want but it works, especially if there is a lot of traffic.  It took me about forty-five minutes to go the distance which is not too bad really.
Last night I discovered that I had gone too far.  Oh no!  The plan has been compromised already.  It was only supposed to be a 4K run and I went 6; well almost, but who's telling.  So today it is supposed to be 6K.  I guess I could go 4 and get away with it but I have a running partner and if we talk during our walks it will probably turn into 6.
I have my watch set for a minute and thirty second run and a two minute walk.  I like the recovery time better than just a mere thirty seconds.  Half a minute doesn't even give me a chance to swat at the mosquitoes and take a drink of water.
We'll see how today goes.  I have more powerful mosquito spray; still haven't found the right water bottle; ten thirty is a different time to go out; who knows what will happen.  I do love an adventure.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Day One, let the pain begin

I considered starting a brand new page and calling it "Jog Blog".  I have since reconsidered after this morning's performance since I do not want to draw too much attention to my physicality.  Yes this morning was "Day One" of the "program"; or at least it is a twelve week program that was e-mailed to me by one of my partners in crime.  Some of us have undertaken a local challenge to run a half marathon in August and that would be twelve weeks from now.  
I awoke at five thirty (that would be in the a.m.), did the usual stuff one does upon getting out of bed, and sipped my morning coffee while sorting through my e-mails and checking everybody's status on Facebook.  Once dressed for the outdoors I actually looked outside to discover that it was windy, cool and trying to rain.  Oh well, I have clothes for that and what would it matter anyway since I knew I would be all hot and sweaty after my three kilometre "run".  My little dog wanted to come with me but I left him at the door and away I went.
I started off at a not so brisk walk because my bunions hurt even in my brand new Asics.  I decided to ignore the pain because my feet hurt all the time and it doesn't get me anywhere to complain and give in to the agony.  Away I went picking up my pace a bit as I covered two blocks walking.  I ran the next two blocks, almost and then decided to turn left up Royal Street and head to the dam and back - surely that would be far enough.  The wind was coming from the north west and the rain had turned to mist; what a lovely day.  I checked my watch and set it for one minute and thirty second intervals with a thirty second walk in between.  I was sure I could handle that.  No more excuses now since I readjusted my hood, checked my shoe laces, and glanced at my watch.........let the run begin.  
So far so good I puffed along cursing the day that I ever agreed to do this; my morning coffee sloshing around my stomach and the mud flying behind me........(must remember to ask why we can't pave that road, probably no money, yes I'm sure that's why...)  I was starting to wheeze and I checked out my watch......59 seconds to go????  Good grief, I am so out of shape, I can't believe my boot camp fitness level was shot all to hell in such a short time.  Past the condos and out on the open road, into a stiff wind, my glasses covered in fog and mist; I re-checked my watch......58 seconds.......Oh wait!  I made a BIG mistake and set it for 59 minutes and thirty seconds......what a joke.......I slowed down to a walk, relieved that I was just stupid and not as out of shape as I thought I was!
I turned the interval stuff off on my watch and just ran and walked the rest of the way up and all the way home. I am not sure how far it was, I will check later.  I know that I started off at 6:15 and was home half an hour later, that's all I cared about.
Once in the door, the shoes came off, I peeled off my sweaty running gear, dripping with sweat I reached for my ratty old housecoat to discover the little dog all curled up on top of it.......well at least it was warm when I put it on!!
Now I am having a cup of  Jamaica Me Crazy coffee and not really enjoying it that much.  Should have just had a shot of rum in the usual blend.

Tomorrow is another day and I will keep you posted.