Saturday, January 16, 2010

One day just blends in with another and some days I have a hard time remembering what I did!! I guess that is what retirement feels like. I send e-mails to people and I think I am more chatty and being a bit more descriptive about what it is we are doing here than I am in this blog. I might have to go back to some of my sent items and cut and paste!!

Today is just a day to hang out and do some housekeeping stuff. I washed and dried three loads of clothes, made lunch and watched the Oilers game online. They lost, what else is new? It is Bernie's 56th birthday today and he is doing a whole lot of nothing. There are football games on all weekend long so he will read, do the suduko in the newspaper, and watch football. Since the day that Duke ate all the rawhide treats he hasn't been feeling great. He had diarrhea the day after he did that, then he seemed to be on the mend and now he is back to having the runs again. Poor little guy. He just lays around and sleeps.

We went whale watching yesterday. We left here at 8:30 for the drive downtown. By the time we found a parking spot, walked to the dock, got our boarding pass and stood in the line it was 9:15, the time they told us to be there! We left on the Marietta at 9:45 a.m. and had a nice rolling ride out to the open waters of the Pacific. To the east we could see Tijuana. We were out for about an hour and a half before we saw a whale. It didn't amount to much so we moved on and sure enough we got quite a show. I got some fairly good pictures which I am hoping to post on my Facebook page. We got back to to shore about 1:15 and went for lunch at Anthony's Fish Grotto. After that we strolled along Seaport Village and poked around the shops before coming home. It was a long time for Duke to be alone and he had two poops which is very uncharacteristic for him. So of course I had to clean everything and by the time I was done I was bushed! Nevertheless it was a good day and I am glad for everything that we did.

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