Monday, June 14, 2010

We had an awesome weekend in Edmonton even though it was rather tiring.  We spent most of the day Saturday and a good part of Sunday digging in Nicholas's and Pam's yard.  Pam was determined to spruce up their yard so we helped by preparing some of the back yard for trees.  I wasn't a whole lot of help because I am not strong enough anymore to dig up pieces of sod.  I hacked away at the ground, gave advice, went for cold drinks and became the "general contractor"!!

Bernie put trim on the shed that he and Nicholas built last fall and he also gave a lot of advice!!  Some of it was heeded and some of it was politely ignored.  Such is life.  It was fun working outside in the sun and I rather enjoyed the heat for a change.

Rome was not built in a day and yards are not transformed into places of beauty overnight.  It is a process and it will take a lot of sweat and hard work.  They purchased some trees and shrubs on Sunday and got them planted.  The grass is cut, some edging was installed, the front yard was cleaned up and redesigned a bit and the weed whacker did its job.  Now they need to remember to water everything, keep the grass cut once a week and fertilize, fertilize, fertilize!!

We left for home around three o'clock.  On Highway 21 we had a bit of an adventure.  A bicycle flew off the back of an oncoming motorhome just seconds before we met the vehicle.  The bike bounced towards us a few times as we tried to slow down without screeching the brakes too much.  It just missed us.  We had to drive towards the ditch to avoid it but we kept on going because there was a vehicle stopped right behind us and the traffic was horrid.  Thank goodness nobody was hurt or killed because of an unsecure load.  We could see that the motorhome had stopped as well so I guess they could deal with their broken bike.

Other than that we had an uneventful trip.  We got home around six thirty.  Our yard looks like a jungle since the sun shone all weekend long and the grass just grew and grew due to all the rain we had last week!

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